Season 2 Episode 14

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"Sorry I was asleep. Or I was a dream." Tony desperately tried to run Jarvis through a reboot but to no avail. In the end, it turned out that instead of creating a protective intelligence, Bruce, Tony and more or less Abigail had unleashed a great danger. After a nerve-wracking battle against the reprogrammed Iron Legion and Ultron himself, the injured Avengers discuss their next moves. "This wouldn't have happened if you weren't playing with things you don't understand," Thor accused the three after their plan-finding phase turned into a pure blame game. "...You don't get why this is important," Tony countered, menacingly taking step after step toward the God of Thunder. "Tony this might not be the right moment," Banner tried to reassure his colleague but he could have already guessed that this would make no sense. "We should stand by our mistakes," Abigail agreed with him and both earned a killing look from the addressed. "Are you guys serious? You're chickening out. Shall I remind you how eager you were to help us in the lab day and night, Novanoff?" Now it was Natasha's turn to stand up and stand protectively in front of her little one. "Tony leave Abigail out of this she had no idea of what she was doing. You, on the contrary, do."

"Oh so now the whole thing is my fault! Does the little fire fairy still need someone to protect her?" Affected, Abigail looked at the person with whom she had gotten along best since her return - behind Nat. It felt like the time she did nothing to stop Natasha from taking the police away. "Just for your information, I am not a fairy, nor do I need anyone to protect me. All I want is to save you from making a huge mistake."

"Oh yeah, and that would be?" Cautiously, Abigail looked past Tony to the faces of Clint and Thor, and finally beside her to the others present in the room. "Tearing the Avengers apart." The dangerous glint in his eyes was evident as Steve stepped in to defuse the argument and, just as Romanoff had done earlier, put Abigail on guard. But instead Tony began to bounce about his heroism in New York and it took time to remind him again why they were still fighting on. "How are you going to defeat them?" "Together!"

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