Season 3 Episode 8

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Eventually, Bruce came up with a plan that would not get Abigail or Wanda to destroy Vision's stone and so him. Steve even had an idea who might be able to remove the stone without killing him. So everyone got ready to leave headquarters and fly to Wakanda. Since Abigail had little to do, she decided to go outside for a bit beforehand. Even though it had started to rain in torrents, she walked without an umbrella to a tree on the bank of the river. Under a beautiful crown of leaves, stood a gray gravestone with curved letters on it the name Danny Dinsono and Abigail dropped to her knees. The hood had slipped off her shoulders and it was only a matter of a few seconds before her red curls blew limp and dripping wet in the wind. "I'm so sorry," a sob escaped her as she used her sleeve to wipe the mixture of her emerging tears and the rain from her cheek.

"You gave your life for me and I wasted my second chance to bring so much suffering to people." Her body jerked as images of her mission as a Black Widow played out again in her mind's eye. It had not been her fault, she was under Dreykov's mind control at the time, but that did not undo her actions either. It was unfair that such a pure soul as Danny had been had to die because of her, an assassin. She had never wanted anyone to sacrifice themselves for her, and certainly not him. "You should have lived," she screamed at the top of her lungs as if her voice could change events. Of course they didn't, instead though, her body began to shake and not from the sudden cold. Abigail knew what would follow, too many times she had already experienced this and for this very reason she knew there was only one person who could protect her from it. Slithering and shaky, she hurried back to the main entrance.

"Nat," she called desperately under her quickening breath, but no answer. Her search eventually led her to the kitchen. Here, as before she had disappeared outside, Natasha sat at the table working. "Hey n-Nat, can I talk to you for a minute-," she began but was quickly interrupted by addressed. "Abigail not now, we are busy," she referred to the papers in front of her and Steve who was also present. This was also the reason why Abigail had not mentioned her request in front. Their last encounter had only just not escalated and in no way did she want him to see her vulnerable side again. "Nat I- But Nat, please, I need you..."

"We only have a few hours before we fly, we need to finish this. We'll talk later and you should get ready too, you're soaked. If Tony sees you dripping all over the place, he'll rip your head off and you'll get sick," Natasha appointed, smiling pityingly at her. If only she knew what horrible events were going on in her head right now. With tears stifled, Abigail ran to her room and slammed the door on its hinges. It reminded her all too well of her first panic attack in Stark Tower and how Natasha had helped her the first time. How she just missed the old days. Everything had been better, except that now maybe for the first time she had a best friend.

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