Season 3 Episode 17

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Wanda was gone, as was the support beneath her feet. Natasha's hands still lingered on Abigail's cheeks as her legs folded out from under her and she went down. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't stop him," she sobbed, her eyes slowly beginning to run bloodshot. "None of us could. You don't have to apologize for anything," Nat replied, getting down on her knees as well, tears beginning to gather on her lower eyelid as well. "How about we go back, you take a shower and we'll get you something to eat?" she suggested when she noticed that not only did the grief seem to be getting her so down, but the exertion was gnawing at her as well. Weakly she nodded and with Nat's help she found her way back to her feet. "Okay," she whispered.

Supported, the two made their way back downtown. As they did so, they caught sight of the approximate extent of what Thanos had done. The majority of their warriors were gone and the few survivors were helping their injured comrades. "Nat, I love you," Abigail mumbled distressingly when they were already halfway there. It wasn't her style to talk openly about her feelings, but in the last few minutes she had realized how close she was to losing Natasha as well. The most important person in her life. And it was all the more important to her now to show her how important she was to her even after their terrible fight.  

The last two times she had said these words, the people to whom it was addressed had not heard them. She didn't wanted it to be the same with Natasha at some point. "I love you, too," Nat replied, smiling wryly. Inside, she was also far more upset than she showed, because she had to be strong for Abigail and the rest of her team. She couldn't give them hope when she herself was obviously down. If Romanoff was honest, there was no hope. No calculation in the world, showed her a solution and she doubted there even was one. There was no way to bring everyone back. But it had to go on, and since Tony had disappeared, it was now up to Steve and her, and since Steve had just lost his best friend for the second time, the responsibility was all hers.

Forty-five minutes later, Abigail stepped out of the shower and stole a red oversized hoodie from Natasha. Just like her larger self, she loved to "borrow" the clothes from others. Most of the time her victims only got to see the clothes on her, but she was just too attached to them to give them back. So the smell of this person accompanied her everywhere. Most of all, of course, she wore Nat's but leading the way it had also often been sweaters from Danny, Wanda, Tony and Steve. "Hey Abigail, here's your-" Natasha stepped into her assigned guest room with a tray full of delicious fruit, pancakes, and of course Oreos when she interrupted herself. "Is that my hoodie?" she asked with a small smirk on her lips. After all, Abigail wasn't the only one who liked to steal clothes. She herself was wearing a blue sweater from Steve right now, so she understood her all the more.

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