Season 1 Episode 35

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"Nat!" Steve's worried voice broke through the hospital hallway and made Natasha turn around. She was really glad to have him with her now, especially during this difficult time. She would have loved to fall into his arms, just to be reassured by his presence. But that's not what Natasha Romanoff did. "I'm glad you're here," she said instead. "How is she?" he asked, taking the task off her hands by simply giving her a hug himself and patting her back. "I don't know, she didn't want me to come in with her. She's being checked out right now." When the door opened behind them, they released the embrace, but Steve's arm remained around her waist to offer encouragement. Abigail came out of the treatment room along with the policewoman from yesterday. "Abigail! Thank God, are you okay?" She did not receive an answer from her but only hurt blue eyes, which looked at her. "She has a concussion and some bruises, but she's fine," the accompanying policewoman answered for her. "What happens now?" wanted to know Nat, and her voice trembled with fear that Abigail would be separated from her again. Steve noticed this and squeezed her closer to him to give her the support she needed. "Now we need to find a temporary place for her to stay," she explained, and Natasha would have loved to scream right away that Abigail could stay with her. But she knew it wouldn't work because of many issues. Soon enough, the Avengers would all go their own way and Nat could never guarantee their safety. She didn't even have a real home, so Child Protective Services would never allow her to adopt. Abigail had been waiting for those exact words from Nat.

She had hoped to hear those words from her mouth, that she could stay with her. But she was disappointed, as she had always been in her life. "Can we go?" she sighed, then, to break the silence. Because if she had to stand like this in front of Steve and especially in front of Nat for much longer, thinking of the beautiful memories in front of her inner eyes, she wouldn't be able to play numb much longer. "Alright, come with me," the policewoman agreed, and with a hand on her back, took her with her to the exit. Even when the two women were out of sight, she still looked after them. The closest thing she ever had to a daughter had just been taken away from her, and no one could tell her if the two would ever meet again.

The goal had been achieved, Loki had been defeated, and all the Avengers went their separate ways again, with a promise to reunite should new dangers threaten. But for Nat, the last few weeks had been more than just a mission. She had finally found a family again, and that family was once again snatched from her.

---The End ---

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