Season 1 Episode 31

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Even for an excellent spy like Natasha, the search for Abigail had not been a walk in the park and it took her quite a while to find the little one crying in an alley. "Abigail..." she breathed gently so as not to scare her off. She had no idea if her father had found her, or if she had been able to hide here before, and as much as she wanted to know, she still didn't ask. The last half hour, had to have been hard enough for the poor thing and she didn't need to pick at it. "Please just go away, you're not my mum..." she sobbed, burying her face in her hands to hide the tears from Nat. "No, I'm not, but you know what? I'm here, and I love you." Abigail lifted her head in surprise. Had she actually just told her that she, loved her? Could there actually be someone in Abigail's life who loved her despite all her faults? "What?" she inquired, therefore, drying the tears that kept running. "No you don't. You don't even know me," she answered herself the question, sobbing now even more than before. "Abigail, honey, I know you.... I know you hate cheese.... But that you love cheeseburgers. I know there's so much I don't know, but.... If you're afraid I can't handle knowing the bad stuff or the scary stuff, but I promise I can..."

"Please just go away... please," she pleaded through tears and racked by ever faster returning sobs. A tear was now running down Natasha's cheek as well. She hated having to watch so powerlessly as Abigail suffered. It wasn't fair that such a good-hearted girl was forced by the world to be cold and repulsive simply to defend herself. They both deserved better, but the world would put them both to much more difficult tests. "Please..." she sobbed one last time before the two heard footsteps.

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