Season 1 Episode 6

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"You were supposed to be watching the kid, Nat," Tony complained, full of concern for his precious technology.

"I did, she left, and to be honest, she was bugging me," the addressed defended herself, and Abigail was honestly sorry that Romanoff was now in trouble because of her. But she couldn't just let the accusations slide either, so she pretended not to care that Tony was mad at Natasha because of her.

"Yeah, I was bored, and to be fair, you stole my Oreos."

"Are you making fun of me?" asked Tasha in surprise, raising an eyebrow.

"Me? No way," Abi laughed, winking cheekily at her.

"Tony, you need to show this kid who's in charge," she gushed in a completely new tone. She was certainly not going to be that person to raise this kid.

Tony nodded at her in agreement and then looked to the girl in front of him, "Alright're grounded." This was not what Natasha had in mind.

"You can't ground me, you're not my father," she snapped at him. It hadn't been her intention to talk to him like that, but this topic always hit a sore spot. The only way to hide that hurt was to fight it with anger.

"Alright, anyone want something to eat?" he relented, knowing he wouldn't be talking about this topic again anytime soon.  

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