Season 1 Episode 15

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Monday morning, Abigail came down the stone stairs to the dining room at seven o'clock, where Natasha was already waiting for her. "Excited before school, Abigail?" With a is this for real look, Abi looked at her wide-eyed, braced her arms on her hips, and said, "No, not at all." At that Nat laughed at her with a grin and teased, "Well, that gives me peace and quiet besides, I'll drive you."

"What?! I think I'm old enough to go to school myself," the seventeen year old snorted in surprise. She didn't mind being driven, she minded being patronized. "You think I'm just going to skip class or something?" she asked, playfully. Maybe that had been her plan but Abigail hadn't been sure about that yet. "That's exactly what I think," Natasha laughed, crossing her arms as she got up from her chair. "All right, then," she gave up mockingly and made her way to her car with Nat. During the car ride, Abi ignored the driving Natasha as best she could for most of the time, staring out the window. Only when the car came to a stop did she realize that they were already at the school and it was time to get out. She had only been in a real school for a single year then until she was taken away from it and taught from 'home'. "Well, Abigail, have a nice day and you better behave yourself," Natasha ordered her in an amiable tone though which changed when Abi asked in response, "Do I have to go?" Tired of the repetitive discussion, she replied with a short, "Yes."

"Why because?"

"Abigail, get out before I throw you out and run you over," Nat laughed with an undertone in her voice that sounded somewhat serious. Groaning, she rose, got out of the car and entered the school building without looking back at Nat.

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