Season 3 Episode 27

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"It's okay if you don't want to talk. You saw something horrible. That's okay if you're scared. I was afraid of my powers, too. I couldn't... control them or escape them. But it's... it gets better. It will. I promise." Abigail shook her head and dropped onto the edge of her, for now, new bed. "If you help me you also have the right to know what happened. There were two girls at school who really caused me a lot of problems. Even then they managed to upset me. She only got a small burn then but this time they managed to make me almost destroy my whole home. All they had to mention was how little Natasha actually wants me in her life."

When Abigail finished, Daisy looked at her sympathetically but also confused, "I thought you two were inseparable, like mother and daughter," Johnson stated, furrowing her brow. Everyone could feel Natasha's maternal affection no one would dare to doubt it. Only she did, and this puzzled her. "It's not like she has a choice. They made me part of the Avengers, so she has to look out for me." Quickly, Daisy shook her head and took quick steps around the desk to get on her knees in front of her. "That's total bullshit and if you're honest with yourself you know it. In here-" she placed her palm on the spot where her heart was before continuing clarifying, "deep in there, you know it."

The next morning, everyone was up quite early. After everyone had gathered in the dining hall at more or less the same time, Abigail and Daisy went on to the training room. At first, she was told how essential it was to work with her powers and not against them, seeing them as a curse instead of a blessing. It was about emotions, to use them positively and not decisively, she had to rely exclusively on good ones. While this was much harder than acting out of anger, it was the only way she would be able to do it. "Don't let your fear control your powers."

First, they began with a metal scarf. Abigail's task here was to create a controlled flame inside and then let it grow as it shrank. Difficulty here, she was allowed to concentrate only on positive thoughts and in no case on the negative ones. "When I got my powers, I only knew fear, anxiety and anger. What if that's the only way I can use them?" asked Abigail in frustration, settling down on a training bench standing on the edge. "That's complete nonsense. You just have to stop thinking about it. Don't put your focus on the things you want to avoid. Just think about that what you want," Daisy advised her, sitting down next to her on the bench and putting her hand reassuringly on the desperate redhead's knees.

In fact, a few hours later she managed to gain control over at least a small flame and this was considered a win all the way. Later that evening, Abigail, Natasha, Pietro, Steve, Daisy, Phil and Jemma met in the lounge and drank beer to fuel the new acquaintances, but also to improve the old ones. "So how's your training going?" asked Pietro, holding out a first open bottle to Abi, which she gratefully accepted. "It could really go better for my expectations, but since I actually have to relearn everything from the beginning, I shouldn't complain. Daisy's doing a good job teaching." Maximoff put on a smile but kept his gaze away from her blue eyes. "I'm not replacing your sister. No one will ever be a better friend to me than she was."

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