Season 4 Episode 33

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As for Steve, he left only when he was sure that Abigail had fallen asleep from fatigue and tears. He himself was overwhelmed by the situation. She had always been by his side. In every decision he could rely on her encouragement and advice. It had been Natasha who had held the Avengers together and now she was gone. Forever and there was nothing he could do about it. After this they wanted to start a new life "Together or not at all" they had promised each other. In the corridor he met Tony who was sitting sadly at the bar holding an almost empty bottle in his hand. He would like to do the same. Drink until the pain fails, but he couldn't get drunk and this he now noticed for the first time as a real problem.

"How is she?" slurred Stark, offering him the chair beside him. "The same as all of us." Everyone was grieving in a different way but there was no question that everyone was reeling from their loss. Clint entered the room while Tony Stark just held out a beer bottle to the captain. Clearly, the two could see the marks that the tears had left on his pale face. With all the understandable excitement about Abigail, Steve almost forgot that Barton and Nat had a much longer history. For that reason, he got up and ran after the archer. In his opinion, the deceased's best friend had a right to know.

"Clint," his voice cut through the corridor, bringing the younger man to a halt. Only slowly did he turn to Steve as if he didn't want to meet anyone's eyes in his condition. "There's something you should know." They moved the conversation to his room to have a more private conversation before he told him about Abigail's version. Clint just listened to him and, after a few attempts to hold it back, fully let his grief out. "She was the best of us." And Steve agreed with him. She really had been. After the snap, Clint would talk to her, but in her condition, it wasn't a good idea. Now they just had to focus on bringing everyone back, not letting her sacrifice be meaningless. Just for her.

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