Season 4 Episode 10

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Their conversation was interrupted when a hologram appeared above the table and started beeping. Natasha raised a hand, flicked it, and changed the image. Now they could see the area at the security checkpoint in front of the Avengers' compound. In front of the gate parked a van and a man stood next to it. Abigail - who had been awakened by the sounds - stared at the screen in shock and rubbed her eyes sleepily. This could not be true, she had never met the person but she knew about his disappearance. Steve and Natasha also recognized him immediately. "Oh, hello, hello? Is anybody home? This is Scott Lang. We met a couple of years ago. At the airport. In Germany." The man grinned crookedly at the camera. All three of them jumped up and walked closer to the camera. "I was the one who got so big. I had a helmet on. Maybe you don't recognize me," he continued. "Is that an old message?" asked Steve. "That's the main gate," They hadn't heard from Scott in five years. The logical conclusion was that he, like Thanos' other victims, had disappeared by the snap of his fingers. "Ant-Man?" the hologram Scott declared. "I know you guys remember this. I really need to talk to you guys."

A little later, Scott was pacing back and forth tensely in Natasha's office. "Scott. Are you all right?" Steve was hoping both for information from their guest and for the man to finally sit down quietly. In an attempt to calm himself, Scott closed his eyes and wiped his hands over his face. "Yeah," he said, though he wasn't quite so sure of it anymore. "Did any of you happen to study quantum physics?"

"Only to make conversation," Natasha quipped. Scott pointed to her anyway and continued, "All right. So ..... five years ago, even - even before ... Thanos, I was in a place called the quantum plane. The quantum realm is like its own microscopic universe. To get there, you have to be extremely tiny. Hope, she's my, uh... she was - she was my ... She was ... She was supposed to get me back out of there, and then that happened with Thanos, and I was trapped in there." Natasha became abruptly serious. "I'm sorry. That must have been a long five years."

"That's just it," Scott tried to explain. "It wasn't that long. It was five hours for me. The rules are different in the quantum plane than they are here. Everything is unpredictable." Scott took a deep breath and let the information sink in. "Does anyone own this sandwich?" He asked distractedly, pointing to the peanut butter sandwich on the table.

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