Season 1 Episode 25

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A little later Abigail found herself on her bed while Natasha knelt in front of her and cleaned the wounds on her arm. There was an uncomfortable silence between the two of them the whole time but the Widow could no longer stand this awkward silence. She simply had to know what was going on in Abi and why she had not defended herself. After all, she knew from her own experience that she could defend herself quite well, but then why hadn't she? "Why didn't you tell me?" she asked in probably the softest tone of voice she had ever used with anyone. You could clearly hear her concern in her voice and she didn't even bother to suppress it. It took some time for Abigail to finally answer, even if it wasn't the one Nat wanted to hear. "What should I tell you?" Surprisingly, this time Nat didn't get upset at her ignorance of her question, but remained calm. "About those girls Abigail."

"Didn't want to make a big deal out of it," she admitted "Girls will be girls." Natasha understood what she meant and she was genuinely sorry. She had pretended not to care about her and her problems in the beginning, and now Abigail felt like she had to deal with her problems on her own. A feeling which both women were unfortunately all too familiar with. "Why didn't you fight back?" Abigail sighed out audibly and leaned against the edge of her bed before, with several attempts, she began to tell, "I wanted to.... But... the last time I hurt her with my powers, I felt like I deserved it." Natasha seemed so struck by her confession that she accidentally ran her hand over the open wound too quickly, causing Abigail to wince. Apologetically, Nat looked at her but Abi had already withdrawn her hand. Slowly, Natasha picked herself up off the floor and climbed up next to her on the bed to hug her. "I'm sorry," she whispered in her ear, apologizing not only for the injury, but also for not listening to her and believing the teacher over her. From the pressure on her ribs, however, Abigail flinched again and inhaled sharply. "Ow!" it slipped out quietly and she hoped Nat had not heard this. But as it happened, the latter had heard it, of course, and asked seriously, "What is it? What is it, Abigail?"

"Nothing - it's nothing. But thank you for helping me..." Clearly, you could hear in her voice how hard it was for her to say thank you because she had never learned how. There had simply never been a situation in her life in which she would have had to say thank you. "Of course Abigail, I just want you to be safe."

"I wish I had a mother like you."
"And I wish I had a daughter like you," Natasha did not say this but that was exactly how it was. It was the truth. Despite her complicated nature and meadow and her daily problems, she would not like to have anyone else as a daughter, like her. And Nat had to pull herself together not to burst into tears in front of her. She was way too emotional for her taste and normal nature lately anyway. But what could she do, she had finally found someone she loved.

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