Season 4 Episode 4

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"And I would have needed you. Past tense. That tops what you need. It's too late, buddy. Sorry," Tony hissed, leaning over the table and sniffing a bowl of some leftover food. He reached out a hand for it and accidentally tossed the bowl onto the floor.

Abigail moved away from Steve and gathered the silverware as well as the dropped bowl. Then Tony also got up from the wheelchair and stumbled a few steps, holding onto the kneeling Abi for a moment. "All I need now is a shave," Tony explained, pulling the IV needle from his arm. "And I mean, I would have said it, for years, to you and the non-attendants, that what we need is a protective wall around the whole world. Do you guys remember that? Whether it limits our precious freedom or not. But that's what we needed." Tony wallowed almost manically in his misery. "Except that didn't work, did it?" recalled Steve reminded him. "I said we were going to lose. And you said, 'Then we'll that together too.' And you know what, Cap? We lost. And you weren't there. But that's how we do it, right? We don't act until after," His voice grew shriller and more accusatory. Tony seemed delirious and staggered backward. James took a step forward and took Tony's arm from Abigail's back to support him himself.

But when he tried to push him back into the wheelchair, Tony wouldn't let him. "Because we're 'Avengers' not. 'Pre-vengers,' Right?" Their failure seemed to boggle his mind. Tony pointed to Carol Danvers. "Okay. No, no, I was going to say, she's great, by the way." His thoughts seemed to whirl around in his head, spinning so fast that his mouth couldn't keep up. "We need you," Tony said to Carol, who just watched silently as the maniac raged in the midst of their new companions. "Fresh blood." Then he looked at Steve Rogers. "Us tired old asses," Tony grumbled, "I got nothing for you, Cap. No coordinates, no clues, no strategies, no options. Zero point zero nothing. And no confidence." With a harsh murmur, he condemned his former teammate. "You liar." He ripped the case from his chest that contained the Iron Man armor and thrust it into Steve's hand.

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