Season 3 Episode 10

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"Is our work really more important than Abigail?" Wanda now ventured to clarify her opinion about her teammate's change in behavior. The unclear situation with Tony bothered them all and put them in front of a big question. This was also clear to the Sokovian. Still, this was no excuse to make the most important thing in her life feel like she wasn't good enough. Or worse not being there for her when she needed it most. Natasha froze and looked down at the ground in shame. Of course, nothing was more important to the newly blonde Avenger than her foster daughter, but how would she have known about the rising panic attack. "That's right! I didn't think so," Wanda agreed with her quiet reaction. "She was having flashbacks again and she would have needed you. I'll go ahead," she announced, leaving the now all quiet Romanoff alone in the room. "Wanda, could you help me with the zipper?" called Abigail, taking a step outside the bathroom with her back turned. As instructed, Natasha approached her and carefully pulled the zipper up slowly. Gently, she stroked her cheek with her arm, causing the younger girl to spin around, surprised. "You look gorgeous," Nat complimented, putting on a smile. But the smile was never returned, instead Abigail pulled away from her and was halfway to the door when Natasha pulled her back to her by the wrist. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? I needed you!!! I felt like I couldn't breathe and I wanted you!!!" Abi exclaimed upsetly, freeing her hand from Natasha's tight grip. "Abigail... I'm..." stuttered Natasha, trying to somehow put her guilt into soothing words, but realizing that she wouldn't make the magnitude of what she had done go away so easily. "Forget it, I'm sorry for interrupting your work," Abigail interrupted and stormed out of the room, following Wanda behind. But not before slamming the room door hard. Natasha Romanoff stared after her for a few more seconds before paying attention to the floor again. She never wanted things to be as distant between her and Abigail as they had been when they first met. "That didn't go well," came from the now reopened door, and as the blonde raised her head, she recognized Steve leaning against the doorframe. He too was already in his Captain America combat suit. Nat nodded slightly and wanted to run past Rogers to get to the shuttle. However, she was grabbed by him first and pulled into a hug. "It's going to be okay."

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