Season 2 Episode 5

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Abigail was still asleep as the movie slowly drew to a close and by now, Natasha had already started playing with her red waves. When Tony laughed way too loudly out of nowhere at a funny scene, he immediately earned a stern warning look from her. "Stark! Shh," she hissed softly and that was followed by another pillow flying against his head. By now he had already collected a whole mountain of pillows and was already perched on them like a cocky old rich king. Carefully, after finishing the movie, the Black Widow gently lifted Abigail up and carried her carefully to her room. She gently laid her in her bed and tucked the little one in. Before Natasha went back downstairs, she sat next to her on the bed and lightly stroked her arm. "You're all I ever wanted..." she breathed and gave her a little kiss on her forehead. Even though she wouldn't admit it in front of the others, it was true. Abigail was everything she had ever wanted. She was the daughter she had thought she would never be allowed to have, to be able to have. She had appeared at exactly the right moment at the right time and no one would ever take her away from her again so soon, for that she would do everything in her power and much far beyond. Just as Natasha got up to leave she moved Abigail slightly and mumbled half asleep, "Night mom." Perplexed, she stopped and went back to her bed. "What did you say?" she whispered, slightly urgent. Had she actually just said that word to her, or was Nat just imagining it?

With one hand on her back, she knelt down seriously, "Abigail...what did you say?" Lightly she shook the sleeping girl, she just had to know if this was just in her imagination, created in her day dreams or really happened. "Abigail." At some point Natasha gave up and couldn't help but smirk. "Omg..." she whispered, deciding that she certainly hadn't just imagined it. After all, it was new to her to suffer from delusions so she didn't freak out about it now and was just glad that Abigail had said mum to her for the first time. Even though it was half asleep, the fact still made her overjoyed. 

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