Season 3 Episode 12

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"She doesn't hate you. She just thinks you don't love her," Wanda rebutted, placing a hand on her knee as she rose to her level. "Did Abigail tell you that?" inquired Natasha, her face contorting in hurt. How could Abigail think that no one would love her. Had Natasha actually failed to prove this to her?

"We grew up much like Abigail. You're reminded five times a day what a pile of shit you are, and after a while you can't believe you could ever be loved." Natasha looked intensely into the redhead's eyes but actually the images of her childhood played themselves out in front of her. It was true Abigail and she had grown up very similar. Except for the fact that Abi's parents were still alive, even very similar and Wanda's past hadn't exactly been like a picture book either. Fate was not on the side of all three women, even if Natasha did everything to create a more pleasant life for Abigail. But this mission was apparently not under a good star either. "But you are a good mother," Wanda added with a small smile, rising again only to take a seat next to her. A single tear rolled down Natasha's cheek, but it had disappeared into her sleeve faster than anyone could have even noticed it.

The jet touched down and everyone present, except for Steve, recognized the beautiful land of Wakanda below them for the first time. As the canopy opened first Natasha and Steve stepped into the light followed by Abigail and Wanda, James and Bruce and finally bringing up Sam and the limping Vision. "I always seem to have to thank you for something," Steve greeted the King of Wakanda with a handshake, while Bruce actually bowed and was then pointed out by T'Challa that this was not perpetrated here. Wanda and Abigail barely stifled a giggle after a manly look from Natasha, and on they went, until they encountered a man with long brown hair she didn't know. There was no time to introduce themselves, however, as she and Wanda escorted Vision to his treatment room. His condition was stable, but Abigail could feel how worried her best friend was about him.

Until the later examination with Princess Shuri, the two redheads did not leave the android's side. Having to witness Danny's death had been the worst event for her up to that point in her life, and she would try to spare her best friend that. "So it's going to take a while, brother," Shuri announced when they finally found a way to safely remove the stone from his head. "How long?" inquired Steve, who was standing next to Natasha in front of a huge window. "As long as you can make it happen." As if the princess' words had been a cue for something terrible to happen, the prince's guardian received a report of entry into the atmosphere.

From outside, Sam, Bucky, and Rhodes reported a respiratory attack, and a short time later, strange-looking objects struck outside the dome as well. "It's too late. We have to destroy the stone right now," Vision decided, getting to his feet.

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