Season 5 Episode 7

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Many things could go wrong, but Pietro gave in to his younger sister's decision and took her exactly where she wanted to go. Just in time as it turned out. The one she still didn't know was lying on the ground, exhausted and injured from the missiles that had come down earlier. "Hi, I'm Peter Parker," the younger one politely introduced himself while clutching his glove. "Hey, Peter. I'm Abigail Nov- Romanoff," she replied, improving on her new last name. She would have to get used to that if she had enough time left. "So you're the little Widow," Parker stated fanatically. Great, everyone probably knew her by her nickname "little" even though Peter wasn't much taller and even younger than her.

"So from spider to spider. It's better if you give it to me." Peter was only too happy to hand her the glove. While a whole horde of Chitauri dogs, Outriders and even Leviathene came towards them, closely followed by Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight. Yes, he had absolutely nothing against Abigail taking care of the Gauntlet for the time being. Weirere Leviathans joined the attack, as did in squad of armored Chitauri. Even after Thanos' "Rain of Fire" attack, his army was still overwhelming. "I don't know how you're going to get through that one," Peter said, discouraged. Widow smiled at Peter and took the glove from him. She wasn't the least bit worried, because she knew how this was going to end now.

Behind her, Wanda and Carol landed on the ground. Valkyrie and her winged steed joined her. Okoye also stood by and Pepper joined them. Then Mantis and Shuri also appeared and the wasp-sized Hope resumed her normal form. Nebula and Gamora joined them, and they were joined by some of the greatest heroines the universe had ever seen. Natasha deserved more than all of them combined to stand here with them now and lead them. "Don't worry," Wanda reassured Peter. "She's not alone," Abigail said confidently, remembering the fight when Nat had said this. But this time, they would win. Whatever it would take. Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight didn't wait for the heroines to attack. They charged with their troops, ready to do anything to get their master the Gauntlet. But they could have saved themselves the trouble. Wanda attacked the army with her uncanny energy while Abigail fired fire at each one, and together they drove the soldiers apart. She continued to carry the glove across the battlefield, and Pepper covered her with fire, keeping the Chitauri and Outriders at bay with repulsor blasts. 

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