Season 1 Episode 17

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Abigail found herself a short time later outside the director's office with a cold pack her eyes and nose. It wasn't long before a stressed Natasha entered the hallway and eyed her. Her mood came from the battle she had just fought. While Abigail had been having her own little battle, the Avengers had their hands full as well. Tony Stark and Captain America had the common intuition that Loki would probably open his portal via Stark Tower, because this building had a particularly suitable power supply for it. However, they arrived too late to prevent the portal from opening and the army of alien Chitauri, led by Loki in the conquest of Earth, had already broken through. The Avengers did everything they could to repel the enemy, and when unexpectedly even Bruce Banner reappeared as a somewhat controlled Hulk to stand by their side, suddenly there actually seemed to be a chance of success again. After an epic battle, Natasha finally managed to close the portal and Loki could be taken into custody. Shortly after, the school's call about the fight reached her and she had to leave Tony's victory party early to pick her up. Since the school was very far outside of New York, the only word of the fights here had been on social media. "Abigail, what the hell?!" she greeted, pissed off when Nat saw what her eye looked like. Abigail groaned and put her head in her hands, knowing Natasha wouldn't be too thrilled with the whole story. The principal stepped out of his office as he heard voices from outside, "Ahh Miss Romanoff." That's all she needed Abigail thought to herself, ironic of course.

"What did she do?" the latter asked tensely, absolutely not up for a long conversation. "Me?! I didn't do anything..." she tried to defend herself but the principal interrupted her directly, "Abigail physically assaulted another student." Shocked by the statement, Natasha looked down at the little one. After learning about her past, Abi would have been the last one she would have expected something like that from. "Nat, I didn't..." But her defense was of no use and this time it was Nat who interrupted her disappointedly, "I don't want to hear it, Abigail!!! Go wait in the car."

"Go Abigail, I'll deal with you later."
"You've got to be kidding me," Abigail cursed around the lack of understanding and attention from the stubborn Natasha and disappeared outside into the car. "Nat, I didn't..." she tried again some time later as Nat got into the car. But again she was interrupted before she could even describe what had happened. "Don't say anything, Abigail, or I'll really throw you out of the car this time."

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