Season 1 Episode 10

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During the morning, which now alternated with noon, Abigail and Natasha went together to the training room to take a closer look at her powers. They had never seen anything like it, and not even Thor knew of such abilities, and he was from another world, after all.

"Okay, Abigail, let's see if you're as good as you think you are." The two started with their fighting skills and would later turn back to her extraordinary powers.

Nat started and tried to hit her, but Abi managed to block and wanted to counter. The emphasis was on wanted, because Natasha grabbed her fist and wrapped her legs around her neck, bringing her to the ground.

"Omg! Abigail!" shouted Steve, scared and worried at the same time. He knew how strong Nat was, but he also knew she would never hurt her, yet he was worried.

Abigail groaned in pain, "Ouch," but there was no way she was going to let that victory be taken away from her. She had been trained to fight since she could remember, who was Natasha, and who did she think she was to now go win her?

Abigail threw her off of her and pushed the larger one against the ground. "Is this because I ate your Oreos?" asked Nat a little amused by her futile attempts.

"Yes, yes, it is."

Natasha pushed her off again and they both readied themselves for the next attack, but Tony interrupted, "There, that's enough."

"What, no! I almost had her," Abigail complained and they both got up from the floor of the fighting ring.

"Abigail, look at your face," he ordered, both serious and concerned. As instructed, she looked in the mirror - which had a ballet bar attached to it - and noticed that her nose had started to bleed after Nat caught her in the face.

She scoffed at this tiny injury and replied doggedly, "I'm fine."

But Tony seemed to take the matter very seriously and pointed to the exit of the training room, "Go to the kitchen and freshen up, Abigail." Surprisingly, without another argument, she actually left the room and made her way to the kitchen. 

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