Season 1 Episode 18

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The car stopped an hour later in front of the damaged Stark Tower, the journey had taken more than twice as long because most of the roads were totally destroyed. Therefore Natasha was even more annoyed than ever and the two did not speak a word to each other. When they finally arrived at the tower, Abigail had to almost run to keep up with the angry Tasha. "Nat, wait, I didn't..." she tried for what felt like the thousandth time but again like the times before, she was interrupted. "Don't even try to apologize, Abigail!" snapped Natasha, stopping in front of her. They were already in the dining room and didn't even notice Tony standing at the kitchen counter with a drink in his hand. "Haha hey kid, I take it your first day didn't go so well? And I hope you gave that other girl a good beating." While Abigail had to hide a small smile at Tony's comment, Natasha was not at all amused by his jokes. "Tony! Don't encourage her too!"

"I didn't even start it, Nat!" Started Abigail one last attempt to calm Nat down and finally tell her the truth. This time it was Tony with his dumb jokes who made sure to take the honesty out of her words. "But you definitely ended it." Natasha ignored his words and pointed up the stairs toward the bedrooms, "Just go to your room, Abigail! You're grounded."

"But you're not even listening to me!"
"I said go to your room!"
"Whatever! This place sucks!"

Abigail stormed out of the room and ran to her room, not without slamming the door, though. "You could have at least let the kid explain. How else is she going to learn to open up to you?" Knowing that Tony wasn't all that wrong, she just looked at him. She wanted to be there for Abi because she knew exactly how it felt to have no one. But all she did was push her further away again. She had to fix this.

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