Season 1 Episode 33

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The next few weeks were not only particularly hard for Abigail, but Natasha also suffered especially from her loss. She was conflicted. Should she have intervened, even if it had been against the law? But since when did she care about the law? She just knew better that she could not be well with her real parents. So, for the umpteenth time, Natasha stood on the balcony of the still partially destroyed Stark Tower and dialed Abigail's number. It had to be her twentieth attempt, but again Abigail didn't pick up. She completely avoided contact and even text messages were not answered. She also knew the answering machine by heart by now and it was a wonder that Nat hadn't talked it full yet. "Abigail...I know I'm probably the last person you want to talk to, but.... I'm worried about you just tell me you're ok call me back.... Please."

"It's not your fault, you know," said Steve, who had stepped out onto the balcony behind her. He had always been there for her in the last few weeks regarding Abigail, and they were there for each other in other areas as well. You could almost think the two were friends. "It's been two weeks, and she won't even return my calls," she sighed, sitting down on a garden bench while looking out over the New York skyline. "I could have helped her... I just left her to them." This conversation had happened many times before between Natasha and Tony and the latter, always slapped his hand over his face at this part because he didn't understand why Nat blamed herself so much. It was just Tony and honestly, Tasha would have been surprised by any other reaction. "Then let's go get her," he had always replied, but it didn't seem right to her. Maybe she was fine and would only disturb her finally found peace if she showed up there. But what if she was in trouble? Wouldn't she at least check in with her then, though? These 'what ifs' and 'how might she be doing?' Questions, didn't get her anywhere either. So she jumped up, ran past Steve and finally did what she should have done a long time ago. She would get her daughter back.

A little later, she stood in front of the front door on which 'Novanoff' was engraved in large letters and knocked. It took a while for the door to open and when it did, Abigail was standing in front of her. Natasha could only see half of her body, but she still noticed the surprise. You could see from her face, arms and legs that she had lost a lot of weight, even though she was wearing some more clothes. Abigail sighed and then asked in a cold voice, "What do you want?"

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