Season 2 Episode 16

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At the next blink of her eyes, Abigail found herself in her old nursery. From the living room, as usual, came the unfortunately familiar screams of her parents. Crying, she sat as a five-year-old between torn books and tried desperately to protect her ears from the swear words of her parents. But it was no use and the screams only got louder and louder until the door to the room opened and her father rushed towards her. It was not the first time that this happened to her but on this day it was especially violent. So violent that even a few hours later she was still lying motionless on the ice-cold floor. Her tears had long dried up and her eyes stared emotionlessly into nothing. Long after midnight, her first muscle stirred and the little one struggled to her shaky feet. She did not even take anything from her room, so indifferent did her injuries make her inside and outside. For several days the five-year-old wandered around outside until suddenly an older, roundish man with glasses, white hair and a black suit approached her and dragged her along. Now, the next few years drag by in a rush as she endures brainwashing and training programs. She sees herself during strenuous hand-to-hand combat, acrobatics, tactical skills and weapons training. The longer her hallucinations dragged on, the worse they became. Now she was facing another girl of the same age and they were forced to fight until one of them died or gave up. Abigail managed to bring the girl to the ground but refused to kill her at first. However, he had no choice. If she didn't kill her, someone else would kill both of them, because weakness was not tolerated here.

Before her eyes, everything was bathed in a bright white light and she found herself in front of a screen. The girls were forced to watch video projections like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. However, the videos were packed full of subliminal messages such as instilling fear and pain, which slowly brainwashed the girls. Later, the now ten-year-old lay in bed with both hands tied to prevent an escape attempt. Now the training for the older ones also became harder and longer. The students were subjected to intensive ballet lessons and were ordered by their teacher to repeat their routine over and over again to make them unbreakable. Now, even when dealing with firearms, the girls now had real people in front of them instead of targets. Again a time jump followed and now Abigail was fifteen years old and months before she got her abilities she had to undergo some physical and mental tests before she was forcibly sterilized. Removing her ability to bear children supposedly made graduates better killers - So would never have to experience such weakness, having to worry more about a family than her mission. After completing the surgeries, she underwent further treatments and received her fire powers in tremendous pain. However, these powers made the brainwashing stop and Abigail actually managed to escape and lived on the streets from then on. Until Natasha found her during a robbery and brought her to the tower.

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