Season 2 Episode 17

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It was not until early morning that Abigail regained consciousness and found herself on a couch in the Quinjet. During her trance, Clint and Tony had managed to get her and Natasha back on board, where Bruce, who was also standing next to her, was tending to her leg. Fortunately the shot had not hit any important body parts and it was only a matter of time before Abi could walk normally again. A few minutes later, the jet touched down in a lush meadow surrounded by trees and a rural farm. Tony, who had been uncharacteristically worried after Natasha blamed him for her injuries, among other things, supported Novanoff as she made her way to the door of the house. They followed Clint, who had taken Nat by the shoulders, into a beautifully furnished living room. Surprised, six of the eight Avengers watched as first a brown-haired pregnant woman and later two children entered the room. The little girl, after receiving a hug from her father, rushed up to Romanoff and hugged her after asking for her aunt. While the rest of the heroes talked about their not knowing of the existing family, little Lila Barton eyed the second redhead. "Aunt Natasha, is this your daughter?" she asked in her childish tone, pointing to Abigail sitting on the couch. There was silence for a few seconds, during which Nat thought sharply about her next words. Making eye contact with Abi, however, her answer was immediately clear. "Yes, this is my daughter Abigail," she replied, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. Lila was too young to understand the story behind their relationship, and really, that's what they were, or at least wanted to be. At the huge grin on Abigail's lips, this assumption was only confirmed to her once again. At least it distracted them both from the horrible hallucinations of the previous day.

As the morning wore on, most of the Avengers retired to their assigned rooms. So did Abigail, who, to her chagrin, had to share a room with Tony, since Bruce was already assigned to a room with Natasha. Danny and Steve shared a room and of course Clint stayed with Laura while Lila and Cooper would also share a room for one night. Natasha had just finished a personal conversation with Banner about her past and was now knocking on Stark and Novanoff's room door. "Hey Abiagil," she greeted as she stepped into the room to find only Abi. Tony was outside at the same time with Steve chopping some wood - presumably to distract himself, they had enough wood by now. Abigail looked up from her journal and put it folded up beside her. "Steve, Clint and I are off on a mission, so you're on your own for a few hours. Of course, Tony, Danny, Bruce, Laura, and of course the kids will still be there if you need anything." Reluctance to this suggestion formed on the twenty year old's face as she tried to assume a comfortable position with her bandaged leg. "Can I come with you?" she asked with a pout and matching widened eyes. "Absolutely not. Depending on what Fury orders you will accompany Tony." Abigail responded to this suggestion with an annoyed groan and rolled her eyes. However, she was aware that an argument in her condition would do no good so she let herself be pulled into a hug instead. "I'll be back soon okay."

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