Season 3 Episode 6

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"Abigail, come back, I'm not done yet," Natasha called out, feeling by now like she had to take care of two way-too-big babies. She was already used to this with Abigail. In a special way she was reminded by this childlike, unfortunately much too rarely showing side of her sister Yelena. Only recently she had met her again and in spite of start difficulties, they grew even closer together than they ever were as children. Even if she didn't admit it openly, she missed her little sister very much. When she read Abigail Rose Novanoff in the computer, her legs almost fell off, but finally it had been the clue to get her back. She still remembered that moment too well:

"Прости меня, сестренка. I should have come back for you," Natasha whispered with tears flashing, helping her sister to her knees and putting a hand on her shoulder. The battle was won. The Red Room defeated for all time and the two sisters were reunited. "You don't have to say that. It's okay." Yelena was tired of having random promises thrown against her head and it was going to cost more for Romanoff than just empty words from her point of view. "Hey. It was real for me too," the redhead interrupted her blonde sister, who just stared at her in bewilderment at her retort before smiling and hiding her head in her arm. The initial annoyance had faded away and only seconds later the gesture of their two touching foreheads turned into a deep hug of relief. "Thank you," Yelena breathed before the two disengaged again as their game parents limped toward them. Indeed, Melina and Alexei were more than just play parents for a mission in Ohio. It had all been more than a mission. It had shown her one more time how important family was. Even if it wasn't blood relatives. Water really was thicker than blood in her case. One more reason why Abigail was so important to her, too. She was the closest thing to a daughter, Yelena to a sister, Wanda to a niece, Melina and Alexei to parents, and the Avengers to their brothers. Except maybe Steve. For him she felt more than a brother, but she didn't want to think about that at the moment.

A little later Natasha had managed to encourage the three to leave and Yelena actually gave up her jacket for her. Then it was up to her to hand the stick to her sister. "He has distributed Widows all over the world. Melina still has to copy the formula, but that it's over you should tell them." In the distance, the Widows who had been on board appeared and Yelena was already about to walk towards them, when Natasha called her back one last time. "Yelena... Does the name Abigail Rose Novanoff mean anything to you?" The blonde paused in her movement before turning and walking back to her big sister. "Fact it does. I just called her Rose all the time but it would have to be her. Red hair, blue eyes?" Natasha nodded slightly, and she was both relieved to perhaps a new clue and concerned that Abigail had actually been a member of the Red Room. "How do you know her?" she asked further but Nat waved it off, "Long story. We were very close. You could say she was the daughter I'll never have, the daughter I always wanted and the closest thing to all that. She's missing and I need to find her."

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