Season 4 Episode 9

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"I keep telling everyone they should move on. And grow. Some do. But not us," Steve stated. "If I move on who does this?" pondered Natasha aloud, looking around the room. Abigail still seemed to be sleeping peacefully on the couch next to her, on which she spent most of her nights. In case of an emergency, she always wanted to stay reached, so she stayed overnight in the office. Steve knew exactly what she meant. It was not lost on him that deep circles had formed under her eyes and that some weight was missing. Natasha only occasionally took time for such typical things as sleeping and eating. Work distracted her from all the terrible days gone by.

"Maybe it doesn't need to be done," he suggested. Maybe they weren't needed anymore ... or just couldn't help. "I used to have nothing," Natasha recalled her former, lonely life, "And then I got this," she pointed around the room, at Abigail and at him. "This job. This family. And I was better because of it. And even though they're gone... I'm still trying to be better." She wanted to believe in a purpose, she needed to believe in a reason for why even after five years she was still here when others had already left. She still held on to the fact that she had debts to pay. But for Steve, those debts never existed. Natasha Romanoff was a pure being, even through of her past and the mistakes she had made that she had made in her life. The debts in Natasha Romanoff's life had never existed.

For a moment there was silence. Then Steve said, "I think we both need to get a life." They smiled at each other. "You first," Natasha told Steve, thinking of Abigail's words.

"The longer you hide your feelings for someone, the more you fall in love with them," he hadn't been convinced then but now. Now he knew of the truth of her words. He had tried to hide and even suppress the feelings, but he didn't succeed. His devotion for her only grew stronger.

"Together?" it shot out of Steve's mouth without him being able to do anything about it. It was what he always wanted. To live a happy life with the love of his life and he couldn't help but imagine that life with Natasha. "Together or not at all," she breathed, grinning at him through her teary eyes. "Together or not at all," he repeated.

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