Season 2 Episode 12

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Abigail arrived at the bar just in time to witness a little flirt between Natasha and Bruce from a safe distance. At first the redhead could not believe her eyes, what did Nat want from Banner? After all, the little Russian had been sure that more would have developed between Steve and her in the three years of her disappearance. But then what the heck was happening right here? When Romanoff disappeared, Rogers joined Bruce  and told him that he liked what was between them. She almost choked on her drink at those words, and especially when she heard the "I have seen her flirt, up close and personal...," come out of his mouth she knew nothing was going to get around talking to at least one of them. With Natasha nowhere to be seen, she followed Steve outside, who was just getting some fresh air. "Hey, nice party right?" Called Abi, stopping at the same height as the captain. "Yeah, it's okay," he replied, looking suspiciously into her blue eyes glowing from the stars. He already knew this look from Natasha, apparently the little one had taken over more and more from the familiar Black Widow. "What was that earlier with Banner?" it slipped more or less voluntarily over her lips, which creeped into a forced smile. "What do you mean?" asked the usually not-so-headstrong Steve, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "Honestly, I've assumed all along that there was more than friendship between you and Nat. What you said to Banner earlier about watching her flirt at close range does confirm my theory, but then why are you encouraging Bruce if you do love her?" There was silence for some time, possibly because Steve had to think about her statement himself. Did he love his colleague more than a sister? He had never considered this question before. Without a doubt, he had been sure that he really loved only one person from the bottom of his soul, and that person was Peggy. But after all these years with Natasha, hadn't that perhaps changed? Had his heart found a new anchor without realizing it? He didn't know but even if he did such a relationship would be unsustainable for their circumstances. "You know Abigail it's complicated."

"It always is, isn't it?" the redhead interrupted him with a knowing smile. To her, his profound answer was beyond question. "Natasha and I have talked about it. We're just friends." Whether their conversation could be considered such an agreement was debatable. After all, neither of them had ever even brought up the word love. On the contrary, Nat had even tried to get him to date someone. Why should she do it, when deep down she actually wanted to be the one to go on a date with him? For Steve, that had answered the question before it was even raised. "Just friends then,," Abigail chuckled amusedly and widened her eyes "As you say but don't wait too long again this time." With that she disappeared back inside, leaving a perplexed and confused Cap in the darkness of the New York night.

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