Season 1 Episode 7

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The meal passed without further incident, but when everyone had finished eating, Tony tapped on a glass with his knife.

"You know what, Nat, you can take responsibility for the kid from now on," he decided with a big grin on his face. He just had a good feeling that the two of them would be good for each other. At least sometime in the future, for sure.

"What?" asked named with little enthusiasm.

"You always wanted a kid, now you have one," he said casually, hitting a sore spot with someone for probably the second time today. It was true, Nat always wanted a child, but thanks to her past in the Red Room, that wish probably remained a dream forever.

"Seriously?" gasped Abigail, who was less than thrilled with the idea of having a guardian.

He didn't know about her sterilization, so Nat wasn't mad at him for that, but you could detect the small sadness in her voice as she replied, "Not this one, Tony!"

"You clearly need an authority figure in your life, Abigail," Tony said seriously, not answering Natasha's objections.

"Why can't it be Steve?" she asked, pointing to the what she considered the much more laid-back Captain America. This was not a good idea, however, because since the beginning of the conversation he had started playing 'Just Dance' and looked dimwitted in all respects.

When he noticed five pairs of eyes staring at him, he sang in a child's voice, "I'm doing my little dance," just to avoid looking like an authority figure. He liked the girl, but she wasn't exactly the most high-maintenance teenager he knew.

"Why do you think not?" Abigail groaned and cast an annoyed look in Steve's direction. The latter had just finished dancing and returned her gaze apologetically.

"Good answer, Kid! Now Nat will make sure you can go to school!"

"What!!!" cried Abi in horror, staring at Stark with fear-filled eyes. The last time she had been in school, she had not had a good experience.

"What!!!" snorted Nat too, she wasn't in the mood for that by any stretch of the imagination.

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