Season 2 Episode 13

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In the evening, most of the guests had disappeared and only the eight Avengers, James and Maria had remained. In a nice round they sat on couches and talked animatedly about Thor's hammer. Abigail who sat between Tony and Maria listened to them only with one ear, the other was more busy to hear what Bruce and Natasha were whispering again. Not that Abi didn't like Bruce, quite the opposite, as long as Banner didn't turn green, she got along with him. But she just couldn't get the idea of them as a soon-to-be couple out of her head. When Stark suddenly rose beside her to try to raise the hammer himself, she turned her attention back to the round. Of course, he didn't make it, even as he pulled desperately first with his glove and then with Rhodes' help. Mjölnir didn't budge a bit. This didn't change with Bruce and Danny either. However, when Steve tried his luck, Abigail could have sworn she saw him move. Relieved when he refused to be lifted after all, though, Thor laughed. Natasha and Abigail were smart enough not to try. With Abi's past, she was sure that this thing would drag them into the ground rather than let him move.

"You are not worthy." Thor finally raised the hammer himself, and only a fraction of a second later, a pained sound rippled through the room. At first she assumed that it had been triggered by Thor, but he looked at least as surprised, and when a strange-looking robot suddenly stood in front of them, this theory was invalidated. "No. How could you be worthy. You are all killers."

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