Season 4 Episode 3

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But now he saw a very strong-willed, loyal and curious young woman and it wasn't just because of her new confidence with her powers. Tony didn't know how Natasha had managed to get the little one back, but he did know one thing. He was damn glad she was back. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, he cared about this little pain in the ass as if she were his own niece. The moment Thanos had snapped his finger and unleashed the full potential of the Infinity Gauntlet, half of them - and trillions of others across the universe - had simply vanished. That Tony was so lucky to keep not only his self-proclaimed niece in this tragedy, but also his love of life didn't really make sense to him, but he was glad. Had he not still had to lose his protégé, he would have actually gotten off quite lightly. Tony's acquaintance with Rocket followed, whom he had initially mistaken for a stuffed animal, until Steve, instead of going into this suitability, continued the meeting. "We've been looking for Thanos for three weeks now. With space scans and satellites, but without success. You've been fighting him."

Tony jerkily turned his head around to face Steve, while Abigail stood next to him, eyeing the two facing each other in turn. This wasn't going to end well, the redhead was sure of that much. "Who says? Fought, more likely not. No, he moonbatted me, while the Bleccker Street wizard just gave it all away. That's how it was. It wasn't a fight because he's .... invincible." He couldn't hide the bitterness or that the defeat was getting to him.

This so-called wizard was Doctor Stephen Strange, Bruce had already told him quite a bit about him. Tony still didn't understand that the wizard had simply given the Time Stone - the Infinity Stone that had been entrusted to him - to Thanos. Only to save Tony's life. Which somehow made Tony doubly to blame him for their losing. "Okay." Steve wanted to look forward rather than to focus on the negative. "Were there any- any clues, coordinates, anything?" Tony looked at Steve as if he was thinking. Then he snorted loudly. Natasha and Steve gave each other a worried look. Abigail followed those and looked worriedly at the petite man in front of her.

This was not the Tony she knew. Would he ever recover from this? "I saw it coming a few years ago," Tony complained, his voice now sounding clamorous.
"I had a vision; I didn't want to believe it, thought I was dreaming." Steve rose from the table he had been leaning against earlier next to Abigail and took a few steps closer to the newcomer. "Tony, I need your attention," Steve said, trying to sound sympathetic.

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