Season 4 Episode 35

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"Why are we pretending she's dead? We have the stones, don't we?"

No one said a word. "As long as we have the stones, Cap, we can get her back," Thor continued, giving Steve a look. "Enough of this bullshit! We're the Avengers! Get your shit together! " She wasn't really dead. He kept telling himself that, as if it could make it real. Behind Thor, Bruce stood looking out at the lake.
"We can't bring her back," Abigail said quietly. That had been immediately clear to her.
"What does she mean ...? Wa.... WA... What?" stuttered Thor. "We can't undo it," Clint agreed with her without looking up. "We can't." He would have done anything for it and even now would have given his life for her without a second's hesitation. But Thor would not accept that. "Sorry, no offense, but you are a very earthly being. And we're talking about space magic here. And 'can't' sounds very final, don't you think?" Thor had already seen things these earthlings couldn't even imagine. There had to be a way. "Yes, I know, I am a small light in contrast, to you," Clint admitted. "But she's still not here, is she?" It pained him just to say it. She should have been here with them.

"That's exactly my point," Thor affirmed. "It can't be undone. At least that's what that red floating guy said. Maybe you'll talk to him, okay? ", Abigail hissed at Thor. First, she couldn't have Clint underestimating his abilities, and second, Thor picking on him. She just wanted to end this topic. Anyone who loudly wished for Natasha's return only increased her guilt. After all, it should have been her lying there, not Nat.

Thor took a step back. But Clint wasn't done yet. "Just take your hammer, and then fly over and talk to him!" Possibly, after all, a god could accomplish what a man was incapable of. But Clint didn't even dare hope it would make a difference, because he basically knew the truth long ago. Bruce just stood there staring out at the water. "It should have been me," Abigail confessed quietly. "She gave her life for that goddamn stone. She gave her life for it." She knew they couldn't hate her any more than she did himself. Without a word, Bruce grabbed a bench that was sitting on the dock and hurled it into the water. "She's not coming back," he declared. "It can't be for nothing. We have to make it worth it." She knew full well how motivating anger and pain could be; after all, she had once experienced it herself day after day. Moreover, she would never have allowed her to sit around and wallow in his grief for her or anyone else. She would have been a pain in the butt until she did something about it. For that very reason, it was time they did something. Steve rose to his feet. "We will."

———The End ———

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