Season 3 Episode 25

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"Wanda and I were experimented on with one of the Infinity Stones, perhaps that's where her powers come from," Pietro explained, raising a hand to his chin and stroking his slightly present beard. "The Red Room, to our knowledge, has never been in possession of an Infinity Stone at any time. So it must be something else," Natasha rebutted, and she too thought sharply. In her mind she went over and over all the possibilities they had but none of them would allow her to be satisfied yet. James was probably thinking the same thing as she was, or at least he interpreted her facial expression correctly when he first spoke up: "One thing is certain. We are not trading lives and we are not going to lock her up just to keep us safe. Tony trusted her and was willing to sacrifice himself for her so I will be too." Gratefully Natasha smiled at him and he returned her relief with a small nod in her direction. "No that was never in question either. We are the only family she has and only because of such an incident we don't get involved in such inhuman procedures," it came ironically from the demigod himself but this gave Natasha an idea.

She didn't know exactly where the idea had come from, it had just been there. The idea remained untitled until her gaze lingered on the freshly picked daisies. Abigail had brought them recently and this did would give the Avengers new hope. "Daisy," Natasha whispered softly to herself and the others just looked at her in surprise. "What was that?" asked Steve, walking closer to her. For the first time she returned his gaze and even managed a hopeful smile. "Daisy Johnson." Still looking at Romanoff as if she had fallen on her head but she was quite clear about what, or in this case rather who, she was talking about.

"Who's Johnson?" inquired Bruce, probably asking the question that was on everyone else's mind. "Daisy is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D and an Inhuman you probably know her more by the name Quake," she explained and walked over to the computer to transfer some articles about her. "Are you saying Abigail could be an Inhuman?" pondered Okoye and they all looked at the displays as some old news channels popped up reporting on this agent. "It wouldn't surprise me with her powerful forces," Steve added and Nat nodded at him in agreement.

"We need to find her and ask for her help. Maybe she can help us understand her powers and further beyond, control them." they all nodded in agreement, finally having a plan again and with it, new hope.

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