Season 2 Episode 6

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The next few days were a pure party for everyone present in the tower, and that in the truest sense of the word. Tony had organized not one but two major parties. Of course, Natasha and Abigail had been ordered to appear as guests of honor at both, after all, he used Abigail's return as an excuse to be able to throw two parties at once. In her honor, all the Avengers gathered at the same time and place for the first time in three years. Among others, Captain America, Thor, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton and even Maria Hill, who knew the little one only from stories, came. At the end of the second party, Tony joined Natasha at the bar and ordered a drink. "Romanoff I need to talk to you," he began as he was handed his glass. "We're all happy to have the not-so-little one back with us. But now that we're back together, I also have to think about the future of the team. In the beginning, her powers were the only reason for her to stay here - maybe not only, I won't deny that I would have hated to send her back to the streets. But the reason was her powers. She's so incredibly powerful, if only she could control them, and that's why I'm going to ask her later tonight if she wants to join us as a new Avenger."

"You want to what? No you can't, this is no life for a child," Natasha immediately protested, rising from the barstool to express her misunderstanding. "I figured you'd react that way. I'm sorry Natasha but that wasn't a question. After all, she's not a child anymore and can decide for herself," Tony sighed, regretfully putting his hand on her shoulders to express his sympathy and disappearing into the crowd with his drink in hand. He left a worried Black Widow standing back at the bar with an empty glass in her hand and a full head. He wasn't wrong, her powers were damn strong and would be of great use, but did he really want to put use before her well-being? Natasha had only gotten her back, she couldn't imagine losing her again. It was enough that she and the others risked their lives every day, there was no need to drag Abigail into the whole thing. Not that she didn't begrudge her, but when it came to her, Nat was maybe even a little too worried. She wasn't a kid anymore though, she was already twenty, so she knew there was nothing she could do but watch Abigail join them. And she would, she had gotten to know her too well in that time.

"Hey..." whispered Danny as he joined Abigail on the balcony. "You got big," she replied without turning around with her eyes fixed on New York. She was alluding not only to his physical size, but also to his 'promotion' from intern to a full-time Avenger. "You haven't returned my calls." Not an accusation. More of a statement. "It's not you," she said honestly, now turning her head to Danny, who was now standing right next to her, also looking off into the distance.

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