Season 1 Episode 5

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While part of the Avengers had managed, with much luck and effort, to capture Loki and even gain Thor as an ally, Abigail sat behind Nat in the office, clicking a pen over and over again as she chewed loudly and slowly on a single Oreo.

"Can you stop doing that?" asked Natasha after ten minutes, annoyed, but not looking up from her computer. Abigail looked at her, figured Nat wasn't that serious, and continued. Now the spy's patience had finally run out.

She stood up, grabbed both the pen and the Oreo package, and said sourly, "I'm trying to work!"

"Wait, can I at least have the Oreos?" begged Abigail with a sincerely apologetic look and sweet, wide eyes.

"No," Nat replied steadfastly, turning her attention back to her work. Abigail gave an annoyed, bored groan and sat back down in her seat.

"When are the others coming back?" asked Abi, finally wanting to know when some life would return to the tower.

"I don't know," Natasha replied, gritting her teeth.

"Do you have powers?" she inquired further of her annoyed 'babysitter'.


"Can I have my Oreos back?"


"Am I annoying you?"


Just then, a happy Tony came running into the office and greeted the two women cheerfully, "We're back. Did you have time to get along?"

Abigail jumped up from her chair and put as much distance as possible between herself and Natasha, not wanting to take any chances with her next words, "She stole my Oreos."

The latter, however, seemed to have already expected it and quickly retorted, "You couldn't keep quiet for two minutes." Tony rolled his eyes at their ongoing argument. He had really thought some time alone would do them good, but he was probably wrong, the two of them were just too much alike to not keep arguing.

"She destroyed your lab too," Nat said, to which Tony was shocked and listened to their conversation one hundred percent again.


"Snitch," Abigail yelled. After all, it was just an accident and not intentional, but who would believe her now?  

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