Season 4 Episode 13

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"Good, I was getting worried because it's bullshit. That's not how quantum physics works," Tony dismissed the idea. He wouldn't attend such a life-weary mission for anything in the world, when he had just come to terms with it and had actually finally gained his long-awaited family. "Tony. We have to take a stand," Natasha stated. She and Abigail were probably the only ones of them who could have talked some sense into him. She knew that without him, their chances of success were extremely slim. However, that wouldn't stop her from trying, even without his help. "We did stand. And we lost," Tony explained. His failure still gnawed at him. "I know you're putting a lot on the line," pleaded Scott. He was desperate. The others had had five years to adjust, but for him, the loss was still fresh and needed to be corrected. "You have a wife, a daughter. I have lost a very
important person. So did a lot of others. And now ... Now we have a chance to bring them back. To bring them all back. And you're telling me you're not even going to ..."

"Right, Scott, I won't." Too much to lose. He couldn't even think about it. A door opened behind Tony. "I can't." Morgan came running to them. Tony lifted her onto his lap and she rested his head against his shoulder. This was what he couldn't risk. With his daughter in his arms, Tony stood up and walked over to Steve.

"Mommy told me to save you," Morgan commented, "Very good. Saved me," Tony praised her. Then he looked at Steve. "I wish you guys would have asked me for something else. Anything at all. I'm really glad to see you," He went into the house and the three followed him. "Oh, and the table is set for six." As always, Pepper had been thinking along, whether Tony asked her to or not.

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