Season 5 Episode 6

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Searching for Clint and the glove, Abigail fought her way through the fray, dodging major attacks here and there. Stumbling, she fell directly into the arms of her long-lost sister-like best friend Wanda. "Abigail," recognized the now only a year older and they both fell into each other's arms in relief. "I'm so glad you're back," she cried in relief. "Where's Natasha?" It took Abigail a few seconds to realize the question and the answer that was inevitable. She was spared the utterance, for as she looked at her shoes with a sad expression, it took no words for the mind-reading Wanda to grasp what psychic pain her opposite felt. The Sokovian witch had no time to offer consolation, because at that moment the glove fell to the ground only a few meters in front of them and Thanos was only a little further away from them. "I'll take care of him," Wanda ordered, pushing Abigail in the opposite direction. Torn, she complied with her demand. She couldn't let the Gauntlet out of her sight again, but on the other hand, she didn't want to leave her sister alone against Thanos either. It quickly became clear to her, however, that he posed no danger to Wanda, but rather that she posed the danger to him.

So when Abigail turned back to face the glove, she was horrified to find that it was no longer lying on the ground a few feet from her feet, but now dangling several feet above her head. "Проклятый," she cursed as spider webs appeared and also snatched the stones from her opponent. Who was that now? She didn't have much time to think about it, she just blindly ran after the new creature. She could not fail again.

The guns on the underside of the Sanctuary II were activated and fired their deadly rounds. In the next instant, dozens of missiles were on their way to Earth, haphazardly hitting everything and everyone, not distinguishing between friend and foe. It was all about sheer destruction. Abigail was swept off her feet when she narrowly missed a missile. More and more shots hit the ground all around her and she only just managed to roll back and forth to avoid the chunks. Smoke and dust hung in the air and the smell of death wafted across the battlefield.

Exhausted, Abigail raised her hand to form a protective wall of fire with her strength, but while she was protected, she was pushed further and further into the ground. Cracks formed under her feet. She would not be able to withstand this for long. "Abi," a familiar voice shouted to her and seconds later they were brought out of the danger zone by strong arms. Pietro had arrived just in time and was now bringing them to safety under a ruin. "Спасибо," she thanked him out of breath, holding her aching side. "Без проблем," he returned, looking down at his half-worn shoes. No pair had survived this speed for more than one use. "Can you get me to the glove?" she asked frantically while the gunfire had stopped and was now aimed at something on the horizon. "Are you out of your mind?" retorted Pietro louder, pointing at the raging dimensions in the near distance. Looking back into his sister's face, he realized what she was up to. "You're not going to do that. Wanda needs you. Tony and Steve need you. I need you," he tried to convince her, taking her hands in his.

"I can't let anyone else die because of me. And besides, I'm going to see Nat again. So nothing can go wrong." 

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