Season 3 Episode 26

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A few days later, when Abigail was fit enough to make a trip, Pietro, Steve, Natasha and Abigail made their way to the old S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. When Coulson appeared more and more often in the public media and was traded as the new head, the Avengers had been happily surprised. As one of the few, which could win the trust of the director at that time Nick Fury, Natasha knew of its again resurrection. However, she was advised not to say a word about it, and so it happened that it was she who, after the official announcement of his life, enlightened her teammates about the question of how. "And what if this Daisy also became a victim of Thanos?" interjected Abigail as they were already close to their destination. Of course, Natasha had already thought about that too and had only come to one answer. They had to find out and hope that wasn't the case. "She is not," Natasha assured them, praying fervently that she would be right.

A little later, Melinda May's voice pierced the cockpit, asking for their security numbers and concerns. After the dilemma to use colors to represent the ranks, Phil had quickly switched back to numbers when he took office again. So luckily Natasha was able to get a landing clearance with level 7 and mentioning her name, and so they were met by Billy Koenig a short time later and escorted into the office. "Coulson good to see you again," Romanoff greeted her old friend and gave him a quick hug. Steve shook his hand as he had at their first meeting, which he shook reverently. He had apparently not lost his enthusiasm for the captain.

"You're here for Daisy, she should be-" at the same moment the door opened and a half-Chinese half-American woman with blond-brown hair stepped through the door. "Ah there she is." Daisy stood next to Phil with a friendly smile and surveyed the newcomers. She hadn't met any of them personally, but of course their names were all familiar to her. "Hello Daisy thank you for your time. This is Steve, Pietro and Abigail and we need your help," Natasha began, pointing to said person to introduce them.

They took turns telling their whole story in as much detail as the two agents needed to know in order to help them. "...We thought we had it under control, but-"

"You didn't," Daisy finished, brushing a pre-fallen strand of hair behind her ear. "Her powers have always been there, it's just that the Red Room has managed to get more potential out of them. We can't know how much she's still hiding one thing is clear though, all this time Abigail hasn't been controlling her powers, just suppressing them." Abigail looked down at her hands, red bruises on her wrists up to her elbows since her last outburst. Johnson followed her gaze and stepped toward her. "I had to go through that too, we'll get it done on you," she assured, slowly stroking her marks. She winced under her touch, however, appreciating her willingness to help her.

Since the majority of their rooms at Avengers headquarters were either burned or inaccessible, they decided to stay with S.H.I.E.L.D for now to work on her powers. That same evening, there was a knock on Abigail's door and after giving her permission, Daisy entered her room. "I wanted to see how you were settling in." Abigail laughed at the fact that Johnson tried to be as noble as possible. "I'm Abigail, and everything is to my satisfaction." Daisy grinned and grabbed the hand offered to her. "Daisy. Would you like to tell me how your loss of control came about?"

Abigail sighed, wondering if she could actually trust her yet. But it was only fair to be honest from the start, after all, she was the one who would help her control it. 

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