Season 4 Episode 12

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Natasha. Abigail. Steve. Scott. They were standing next to a car on the road leading to the house. Steve was just closing the car door. Tony continued unperturbed, carrying Morgan up the steps to the porch. He would not allow anyone to interfere with his life. Natasha nodded at Tony and he replied. Then she looked at Steve and tilted her head slightly. She walked over to Tony, and Steve, Abigail and Scott followed her. He was glad to see her but he wouldn't let anything come between him and his family. Not even people as important as Nat and Abi were to him.

"Tony, for all you know, is anything at all impossible?" Steve wanted Tony to believe that. He had to in order to bring everyone back. "Quantum fluctuation collides with the Planck scale and then the Deutsch theorem applies. Are we in agreement of that?" Tony enumerated the scientific obstacles they would face and set the Jug. Abigail honestly didn't have a clue what he was talking about. Science had never been her thing. Tony took the glass and handed one to her and the other to Steve before continuing to speak. "Simply put, it means you can't go home," Tony explained.

"I could," Scott interjected. "No," Tony contradicted him, filling the next glass. "You just happened to survive. There's a billion-to-one chance of that. And you're making out of that now. What do you call that?" Tony pushed the last glass into Scott's hand. "Ah ... A time heist?" suggested Scott. The words sounded silly as soon as he said them but what else could he have said? "Yeah." Tony laughed, but then abruptly became serious. "Time heist, sure. Why didn't we think of that before? Oh, because it's laughable? Just fantasy cheese." As usual, Tony hid his fears behind cynicism. He had so much to lose, and false hope would put his newfound happiness in jeopardy. "The stones are in the past," Steve gave to consider. "We could travel back and get them."

"We have to!" added Abigail eagerly "With the snap of a finger, we can bring them all back," Natasha agreed with her. "Or make it worse than it already is?" asked Tony, referring to Thanos. He thought it was the most stupid idea in the world - no, in the whole galaxy. "I can't imagine," Steve stated seriously. "Honestly, I miss that glorious optimism sometimes," Tony scoffed. "Anyway, great hopes don't help if I can't find a logical, tangible way to do it safely, this so-called time heist. The most likely outcome would be our collective demise." As far as Tony was concerned, the discussion was over for him there was no reason to think about it any further. There was no way out. "Not if we follow the time travel rules to the letter. That means no talking to yourself in the past, no sports betting," Scott enumerated. He was about to continue, but Tony stopped him with a wave of his hand. "Let me stop you right there, Scott. Are you seriously telling me that your plan to save the universe is based on Back to the Future?" Scott sat back, wrinkled his nose and frowned, as if he hadn't meant to tell Tony just that. "Really?", Tony probed. "No," Scott lied.

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