Season 3 Episode 30

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"Nat watch out in the training room there's a woman with strong powers," Abigail croaked, trying to push herself to her feet. "Abigail slow down, we'll take care of her," Natasha replied, clutching her shaking body. Shaking her head, the little one freed herself from her arms and stumbled to her feet. "You couldn't beat her alone. Together or not at all," she insisted stubbornly, and without waiting for an answer she already knew anyway, made her way out of the Lab. Natasha did the same, followed also by all the others, of her team, who had been in the room before.

There were corpses everywhere in the hallway, or at least wounded, unconscious enemies. They clearly had no chance against the Avengers and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Agatha Harkness, however, was a different story, as she was in the training room preparing for the arrival of her opponents. "There you are at last. And who do we have here. Not one but two Inhumans that I can drain the powers from. Your two Avenger friends, won't be able to stop this either," she announced Trumpingly while letting purple magic fly around with her hands. "Dream on," Abigail, Pietro and Daisy hissed as if from the same mouth and they too formed their powers.

Despite the fact that Novanoff just barely stayed on her feet, the nine managed to keep the witch at bay with their combined forces. But that was to be only the calm before the storm. Flames burst in from the door, and with Abigail hard at work to avoid being hit by a purple attack, it could only mean one thing. The transformation was successful. The leader of the wretched group, had actually managed to get Abigail's fire. You couldn't fight fire with fire, but you could with earth. Daisy unplugged herself from Agatha and focused her powers against the newcomer.

Phil, Melinda, Fitz and Simmons also took him on. Meanwhile, Steve, Natasha, Pietro and Abigail themselves lingered in the fight with Harkness. "Pathetic how you think you can beat me." Indeed, things were not looking good for the team. All the shots fired, seemed to absorb and she easily escaped from Steve's shield with eyes closed. Only Abigail really had a chance, while Agatha was hovering in the air and she was only at half strength. "We have to separate them, we can't fight them both at the same time. She's after me, I'll lure her outside," she whispered to Pietro and was already halfway out. "Abigail wait!" shouted Natasha after her But it was too late. She had already reached the hallway and the witch seemed to be following her. 

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