Season 2 Episode 24

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"I'm sorry, but I don't think so," Tony snorted, annoyed by her stubbornness. Actually, he didn't want to be too harsh with her, since he was also just worried about his protégé. But his patience was known to be short. "Seriously, you can go," Abigail insisted, pointing in the direction of the headquarters. She knew the three of them certainly had work to do. After all, they were the Avengers, they always had something to do. Now she was speculating on finally being left alone with this scam. "You're lying wrong," nagged Steve of all people, who was otherwise known for being bad at lying. But maybe that very quality was now good for telling her lies. "Steve I'm really fine." Natasha looked at the floor and breathed in softly, "Liar," she whispered in a broken voice. Although Nat tried to hide her disappointment that she didn't trust her enough again, Abigail could hear it in her voice. She'd be lying if she said she didn't care. But she had never been the person who overcame grief with talk. She preferred to withdraw and be to herself. "Please stop, I'm fine." The three adults in front of her first looked at her urgently and then dipped their gazes among themselves. "Abigail we are concerned," Tony again took over the word that had been on the tongues of all three.

She escaped further questioning, however, when Thor appeared and announced to Natasha that Fury wanted to speak with her. Even though a discussion now broke out between the men about why Vision could take the hammer and whether an elevator would still move up, Abigail knew that this topic was not over for the others. Quietly she walked beside them until it came time for her to say goodbye. Thor took her in his arms and whispered to her, "Take care of yourself little one, yes." She nodded up smiling at him. "Take care my favorite half god," Abigail replied and a little later Thor disappeared into the stars. Leaving behind only a mark in the grass. She was already genuinely sorry to say goodbye to Thor, but now it was also time to say goodbye to Tony. With him she had a close bond especially since her arrival and he was almost like an uncle to her. "The simple life," Steve replied to Tony's idea of building a farm for Pepper like Clint. Honestly, she thought it was a cute idea, but she just couldn't picture him as a farmer. "You will someday."

"I don't know. Family. Stability. The guy who wanted it fell into ice 75 years. Out came someone else." At first Abigail took his statement personally. The only people who were really family to her now claimed it didn't even exist. But then she watched his gaze. And she realized that Steve was talking about Peggy. He would never be able to have this family with her, but he was aware that he had found another. No matter how unusual and chaotic she could be. In Nat, Tony, Clint, Thor, Bruce and Abiagil, he had found his new family. "You going to be okay?" A glance around the grounds of the new headquarters and a hand on Abi's shoulder was enough for him to answer. "I'm home. I already have a family."

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