Season 1 Episode 24

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As recommended, Abigail tried to go to sleep but no matter how many times she turned, she just couldn't get to sleep. Her head felt like it was going to burst at any moment and she just couldn't get any rest. So she decided to get up and put on a hoodie before slipping downstairs from her room. At the elevator door she quickly grabbed her leather jacket and was already about to get into the elevator when a voice stopped her. Abigail hadn't noticed while sneaking past that Nat was sitting in one of the chairs and was now standing behind her, "Where do you think you're going?" Lying, she knew, had no meaning in this situation or to Tasha in general so she answered simply with the truth: "Just outside."

"No you don't," Nat said seriously but even though she was only concerned about her safety, Abigail interpreted it more as a way to show her who was in charge. So she gave an almost
ironic laugh, "Are you going to stop me?" With those words, she disappeared into the elevator that was just opening and headed downstairs.

"Great performance as an authority figure Romanoff," came the voice of Steve, who had overheard the conversation from behind a bookshelf. He hadn't really been spying but he'd also be lying if he said the situation between Abigail and Natasha didn't interest him. "Are you going to try to get this girl to listen to you?" said Nat to the situation of a few days ago, when Tony decided to choose her as guardian instead of Steve, who had performed a silly dance in exact this moment. At this funny memory a smile flitted across her lips even in this inappropriate situation. "I think you've already done that."

At the same time, Abigail was just reaching the exit of the Tower. The pleasant summer night air of New York hit her face and made her red waves blow in the wind. Not wanting to run right into Natasha's arms as she chased after her, she crossed the street and stood against a nearby tree. From her leather jacket she pulled out a pack of cigarettes, which she had let go with her on her very last rubbery before joining the Avengers. She'd never smoked before and didn't really know why she'd taken them with her, but it was such a feeling that she could use it. And she was right, because she had heard that it would help to relax and that's exactly what she needed now. She lit the short stick and took a first pull. Shocked and a bit disgusted, she screwed up her face. She had imagined the taste and smell to be better, but she had to admit that it calmed her down.

"Oh, look who's here," sounded the voice Abi had all but missed. Sadie and Elisha were coming toward her, and they looked very angry, much to her regret. But then, when were they not? And what were they doing here at this hour anyway? Not in the mood to meet them, she gave a sigh of relief, stomped out her cigarette, and made her way back. "So did Black Widow finally put you on the street? This place is a little too classy for you, isn't it?" Sheer anger was already bubbling up inside Abigail again but she couldn't give in to it. No matter what would happen, she just had to stay strong even if it meant not being able to defend herself again. "Can't you just leave me alone?!" she hissed out between clenched teeth, wanting to go on again. "And why would we want to do that? It's just too much fun..." laughed Sadie with a dangerous grin and the girls began to surround Abigail.

Only seconds later, Abi found herself on the floor as the girls began kicking and punching her. The fact that it would have been no trouble for her to finish them all off at once only made the pain worse, but she resisted the urge to defend herself. "Stop - stop," she sobbed desperately and she hated herself for it more than anything. After all, she wasn't raised to let little schoolgirls beat her up. Suddenly the kicks stopped and Abigail opened her previously closed eyes to watch Nat bringing one after the other on the floor. A few minutes ago it would have been anything but nice for her if Natasha had come after her but now she was more than grateful. "Abigail," Nat called anxiously to make sure she was conscious. She also pulled the last of the girls off her and stood between her and Abi. Terrified but unharmed, the girls ran away at the same moment Abigail began coughing up blood and Nat was immediately at her side. "Abigail! You're okay, you're okay... come on." Natasha helped her up and got her back to the Tower as quickly as possible.

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