Season 4 Episode 1

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"You should shave it off," the twenty-one-year-old's voice sounded from the slightly opened door. He hadn't thought it necessary to lock up, after all, there were so few still present that it bordered on impossible to accidentally show up in the same place. But that's how Abigail was, she had inherited this trait from her foster mother. It was also easy for her to have a sense of the presence of those around her. "She likes you better without it. It doesn't remind her of your ninety-nine years then." cheeky as ever. "Oh yes I do." Neither of them had to spell out who was meant by her, there was only one person on whose opinion he would place a value. "But she likes you even in your tights."

How long had he been wearing that beard now? Steve Rogers couldn't remember exactly. It was at least a couple of years. Possibly it just seemed that way to him. And now here he was at Avengers headquarters, standing in front of the sink with a razor in his hand.

"Why don't you tell her? I don't understand why two people who know they should be together continue to be apart," the redhead inquired, crossing her arms. God this similarity would kill him one day. "Scared," Steve replied automatically, causing Abigail to look down at the floor. "One or both of them might be afraid that the other doesn't feel the same as they do, or they're afraid that if they admit their feelings and then break up, they'll lose the one person who matters most to them in the world. If they stay friends, then they will always have them in their lives, even if they can't be with them." Abigail swallowed down the lump that had formed in her throat. She had never heard her father figure talk like that. You could hear that he was
was speaking from experience. He had a look in his eyes and she couldn't help but feel addressed as well. "I love her," he added simply, as the warm water flowed from the faucet, Steve shook the
razor under the spray and then dragged it up his neck to his chin.

"Meeting Natasha was fate, becoming her friend was a choice.... but falling in love with her was beyond my control," he admitted with sincerity. Again he rinsed the razor, shook it and placed it on the sink.

Abigail was overwhelmed by the
Captain's candor. "You should tell her that when you see her," she said as he turned his eyes to her. "Believe me, she feels the same. I should know," she told him with a gentle smile.

He grabbed a towel, dried his face and looked in the mirror. Steve barely recognized the clean-shaven man looking back at him. Thanks to the many years in the ice, he still looked exactly like the Steve who had been frozen over 70 years ago. But in many ways he had changed quite a bit, mostly due to the things he had witnessed in the short time since he had been resuscitated. He may not have grown older, but he was increasingly weary of the world. Looking in the mirror, he adjusted a smaller side mirror on a metal bar to get a closer look at himself. The mirror began to
shake, and Steve reached out a hand to hold it steady. But the mirror continued to shake, and shortly after, the entire bathroom did the same.

"Are we under attack?" In the next instant, Steve and Abigail had rushed out as well.

It was not an attack. Outside the Avengers' headquarters in upstate of New York, they ran into their teammates Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Pietro Maximoff and James Rhodes. The Avengers stared up at the night sky, where a plane unlike any of them had ever seen was hovering. No, it wasn't hovering. It was being held in the air. By Carol Danvers. They had met the mysterious woman recently when she had stormed into the Avengers' headquarters and demanded to see Nick Fury.

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