Season 5 Episode 9

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From a distance she saw Tony, Pepper, Steve, Pietro and Wanda rushing towards her and she realized that she had managed to change history. Stark would have fought him, won and died, but now she was able to save him and several more countless people from death and suffering. There were many things Abigail regretted in her life but this would not be one of them. The screams of her family reached her ears as she leaned down to the glove and slowly picked it up. It was time to pay for her past, and even if it couldn't redeem her mistakes, it would still save the world from more of them.

Thanos' angry gaze was on her as she slowly slid the glove over her palm. As soon as it was closed, energy roared through Abigail's body, and the stones began to glow. Thanos watched her do this unsettled, he couldn't believe what this human was doing to herself right now. Her newly formed wings glowed, making the last fire appear behind her. Abigail looked first at Pietro and Wanda, trying to smile through the pain. Then she continued to look over at Tony and Pepper, nodding her thanks to them. Last, she exchanged glances with Steve and formed the words "Thank you" with her lips before snapping her fingers.

Thanos had never expected this in his life. Across the battlefield, his troops turned to dust and disintegrated right before his eyes. The fate he had originally intended for half of all living creatures in this universe was now bestowed upon his armies. And only his armies.

Thanos could only watch as Ebony Maw, his trusted servant, reached out a hand to him and disappeared. Steve watched Thanos as he turned away, walked a few steps, and then sank down on a stone, groaning as he accepted his fate. A moment later, Thanos joined his children. His ashes were blown away as if he had never existed.

Abigail leaned back against a wall remnant of the Avengers headquarters. Gasping for breath, she slumped. Her wings lit up and then began to glow. Her right side and side of her face showed severe burns. Something that had not been possible with her before. The fire went out, leaving her behind.

Pietro had taken Wanda by the hand and so of course with his abilities they were first to reach her. They each squatted to the right and left of Abigail and put a hand to her head. Faintly, Pietro smiled as he realized that she had achieved her goal. Even though it had cost a lot and he would rather have her with him, he was beastly proud of his sister.

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