Season 5 Episode 8

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Thanos watched Abigail and held his demolished sword in his hand. As she approached the car with the quantum tunnel, Thanos ran towards her. He kept his weapon in his hand as he was delivered to several attackers.

Very slowly, he straightened up. He took the blade in both hands and hurled it towards the van. The sword hit its target and the quantum tunnel exploded. The resulting shockwave leveled the battlefield and sent every fighter on it to the ground. Abigail slammed into a crashed Chitauri leviathan. The glove slipped from her hands and skittered across the floor.

Exhausted, Tony pushed the lifeless body of an Outrider off of him. When he looked up, he saw the glove lying on the ground not far from him. No, this just couldn't happen. Very slowly he rose. Unfortunately, Thanos had also spotted the glove. Tony jumped up, ran and rammed into Thanos. Thanos hit Tony on the head and threw him in the other direction, where he landed on his back. Now there was nothing standing between Thanos and the glove. At least that's what he thought. Just as he was picking up after the glove, Abigail appeared in front of him.

"You took everything from me," she greeted the clearly taller purple giant, who only looked down at his opposite with disdain. "You're not the first to throw that at me today," he retorted, anger flaring in Abigail. But she had learned not to give in to that feeling. She thought of everything they fought for but even more she thought of Natasha and what she had stood for in her lifetime.

When she closed her eyes she could see her mother clearly in front of her and when she opened her eyes again the blue glow had disappeared and changed to a bright red. Slowly, her feet rose from the ruins, and flames rose around her. They circled her and formed around her battle suit. Overwhelmed by the unstoppable power, she whirled around in circles. With a tremendous shockwave, the fire formed into wings on her back, leaving her suspended in midair. "You don't know what you're doing," Thanos taunted, but his smile faded as Abigail ran toward him.

Her entire body glowed with red energy that surrounded her like scarlet fire. Even her hands glowed and pulsated. Thanos took a step towards her, then paused and stared at Abigail. He didn't know what to make of this new threat. She looked at Thanos and was so filled with rage that she appeared outwardly calm. Since his patience had long been worn out, Thanos ran toward Abigail. He didn't get far, however, because she hurled fire around his ears and prevented him from moving forward. Then she attacked
the warlord with blasts of red fire. Thanos tried to use the glove, but had to drop it to protect himself from Abigail's further attacks. Now she had him ready. With a final blow, she carried her attacker across the floor and now reached for the glove lying at her feet herself.

She now realized that there was no turning back. With her transformation, as it was written in the Darkhold, she had opened a door to new powers that she should never have opened. Stephen Strange stood a few feet away from her, using magic to hold back the water and stared at her and her changed form. With his eyes he seemed to pierce the young Romanoff closely, whether he knew the extent of her transformation? 

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