Season 4 Episode 5

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"Here, take this," Tony demanded, nearly losing his balance. "When you find him, plug this in. And take cover."

To Abigail, the ensuing conversation just passed by as she just stood there - cutlery and bowl in hand, watching Tony first rip out his arc reactor and then slump on the floor a short time later. The initial reunion joy honestly in the shadow of his strangely different nature. For her, who had taken him as a role model day in and day out, she could only partially cope with his unstable nature, but she was too tired to even try to cover it up. Natasha noticed this and comfortingly put an arm around her little charge. "He'll be fine," she assured herself, not entirely convinced by her words. Steve joined them as well, putting his arm around them from the other side as they watched Tony as James placed him in a bed and reconnected him to the equipment. Pepper hadn't taken his eyes off him for a moment, but he seemed to be doing better. As James left the room and announced that Tony would probably sleep for the rest of the day, Carol stormed out of the room and explained something about a Xorrian elixir. Abigail had never heard of such an elixir, but strongly assumed it was a cure.

"Where are you going?" asked Steve as the woman marched past Natasha, Abigail and him with a proud gait.

"To kill Thanos," Carol answered simply, and she would have loved for the youngest of the bunch to run right after her to accompany her, but she knew better. The three of them followed her after a brief exchange of looks and Natasha took the floor, "Hey. We usually work as a team here. And between you and me, morale is slightly down." Steve looked up at his girlfriend and then raised his own voice, "We know that's more your territory up there, but this is our fight too." Nebula stepped into the conversation and explained all of their father's plans.

"So, where is he?" wanted Steve to know. Rocket stood on the table next to the hologram and explained to them about a similar relationship to the last time they used the stones.

Natasha looked at the hologram more closely while Steve paced behind her. "He used the stones again," she noted.

Abigail crossed her arms and walked slowly toward her foster mother.

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