Season 2 Episode 21

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"Glad you like the view Romanoff. It's about to get even better," the familiar voice of Nick Fury suddenly sounded in their comms, and the three of them saw an old S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier instead of a view full of clouds. Shortly after, some transporters slipped away from it and docked at the island. So now the Avengers who had remained on land were again taking care of evacuating the inhabitants. "Romanoff, bring the little one back to me, we need you here," Tony relayed through his communicator as Rhodes took over the evacuation. "Take it easy tin head not all of us can fly," Nat replied teasingly as she chased a Yellow transport through the city. "Can you guys stop calling me little? After all, I'm twenty already," Abigail asked annoyed, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "No," came back unanimously from Natasha, Tony, Steve, Clint and Thor, to which Abigail just audibly snorted and rolled her eyes.

When they got to the others, Tony quickly explained to them that they had to protect the core from Ultron because at his touch, the whole island would immediately fall down. Only a short time later, he also appeared with a huge army of himself and a fierce battle ensued. Again and again, the Avengers, standing in a circle around the core, just barely managed to keep the robots from damaging the core. Between Tony and Danny, Abigail managed to keep her powers under control and dealt fiercely. She burned one from the inside out, threw another against the church wall, and tore another apart with the flames. When all were defeated, only Ultron himself remained and Tony, Thor, Vision and she fought him with their powers. Thor used his hammer for lightning, Vision used his integrated mind stone, Tony used his rays from his gloves, and Abigail created a beam of fire with her hands. Together they pushed him back heavily damaged and Hulk finally hurled him back.

"We need to get away, even I can tell the air is getting thin. Get to the ferries, I'll see if I can find any stragglers and then come after you," Steve said to the remaining Clint, Pietro, Wanda, Natasha and Abigail. Tony had left the latter standing there, as he often did, and flown away. It was high time she got herself something to fly too. "What about the core?" asked Clint, looking at the object to be protected in the middle of the crumbling building. "I'm protecting it," Wanda and Abigail answered as if from the same mouth at the same time. Surprised, the two young adults looked at each other, their sympathy for each other had not yet been them so particularly great and therefore Abigail had not expected this answer from her. "No Abigail, I'm not leaving you here," Natasha interrupted, pulling her a little closer by her arm. "Go. This is my job," Wanda clarified to her and finally showed them to get away from her. "Natasha, Abigail, this way," Clint called out, hurrying toward a nearby car. Before they drove off, the latter turned back to the brown-haired girl. Wanda was standing at the core with her brother and seemed to be discussing with him, but when she noticed Abigail's look, she returned it with an encouraging smile to show her that it was okay for her to get out of here.

In the car, Natasha and Clint chatted about some structural remodeling in his house, but Abigail didn't pay any interest to the conversation until Natasha was about to run off to get the Hulk back. "I'm coming with you," she shouted, jumping up. "No! You go with Clint to the ferry I'll be there any minute," she ordered and pushed Abigail into Clint's arms, who took her to the ship. In fact, she stayed there too, but only until she heard a mother screaming for her child.

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