Season 2 Episode 3

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Playing the guitar and singing were two hobbies for Abigail, which she unfortunately could only pursue very little in recent years, but that did not make them less important to her. It calmed her when the soft tones pulsated through the plucking of the strings in her ears and let her switch off at least for a moment and enjoy the peace, which was far too rare in her crazy life. For this very reason, Abigail sat on her floor in front of the window with a guitar she had found in one of the countless storage rooms and played a few notes of a song she had written herself. Downstairs in the living room, Thor, Tony, Steve and Natasha - who was making some notes about possible new missions - were gathered when the delicate tones switched down to them. "Is that... Abigail?" asked Steve, looking questioningly at Nat, who had just put down her pad to listen to the melody. Of course it had to be Abi, after all there was no one else in the tower at the time, but still everyone present seemed surprised. No one had probably expected such a tough girl as she was to be able to sing and play the guitar so softly. "Abigail can sing?" asked Tony unnecessarily. After all, he could just hear her voice himself. "And play guitar!" added Steve, pointing his finger at Tony, who was standing at the computer. "Since when?" Abigail had been able to play guitar since she was eleven years old, and it had come about more or less by accident. Her teacher at the time had once played to the dancing lessons of hers and after that she just wanted to try it herself. Now eight years later she still had it in her blood and soul. Natasha got up and ran upstairs to her room to listen to the beautiful melody up close. However, she noticed the spy relatively quickly and was scared out of her focus. "My God, Nat! Don't scare me like that."

"Sorry, I didn't know you could play?"
"You sound really good," Nat said honestly, sitting down next to her on the heated floor. "Thanks," she smiled genuinely, making Natasha smile as well. It pleased her that Abigail was finally laughing honestly again, she had missed it. "Why don't you come downstairs? It's movie night," she suggested, pointing to the open door. "Okay... Race you!" Abigail screamed, jumping up and running down the stairs. As Natasha also jumped up to run after her, she couldn't hide her even bigger grin. Although the little one wasn't really a little one anymore, she had still kept a part of her childlike character, which she probably never let come out in the last years.

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