Season 5 Episode 10

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Steve came next. "Abigail. What did you do?" he asked anxiously, touching Abigail's hand. "Can you hear me? It's me, Steve. Hey. We won. Abigail. We won. We won. You did it, Abi." He didn't know what else to say. He would never forgive himself for losing the two most important people in his life. Especially after Natasha's death, he had sworn to himself to at least take care of his daughter. Meanwhile, Tony had stepped behind him and touched him on the shoulder. He knew what the captain was blaming himself for at that moment. "You did it," Steve repeated. He wanted her to know that. Abigail, however, did not respond. She was gasping for breath, and it was obvious she was in severe pain. "I'm sorry," Steve said, feeling Tony's hands on his shoulders. He leaned forward, unable to hold back the tears any longer. "Abigail..." How could it be that they had won and it still felt different? Steve rose and found comfort in Tony. Then he let go of him and squatted down in front of Abigail. He gently touched her shoulder and carefully moved his hand back and forth reassuringly.

"Hey," he murmured. "Hey, guys," she whispered, placing her hand on top of his. She knew from her version that she wouldn't have much time left. But all she would like to say, needed to be said. To her team, her family. "Friday?" asked Tony, fervently hoping his A.I. could still find a way out of the hopeless situation. He couldn't just stand by and watch his niece die from something he was willing to do. It was unfair and she didn't deserve that fate. "Her vitals are critical, sir," Friday replied, and even despite the mechanical voice, you could hear the regret coming out.

There was nothing more they could do. Pepper and Steve stood behind Tony with Wanda and Pietro, looking sadly to the ground with wet eyes. Abigail smiled at her found family one by one. Her sister Wanda, her brother Pietro, her aunt Pepper, her uncle Tony and her father Steve. The people she didn't see at that moment she would be able to embrace again very soon. Her mother and her boyfriend. Natasha and Danny. She smiled with the conscience of knowing them all safe and thought of how beautiful her life was with them despite everything. Abigail did not have an easy life and often not a nice one, but she had found people worth going through the hell for to get to this family. 

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