Season 2 Episode 27

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With Natasha's strong arms wrapping around her tender body to pull her to her in an embrace, Abigail was brought back from her flashbacks to the here and now. Her body shook and tears landed on Nat's black shirt, but that didn't bother her but only caused her to pull Abi closer to her and stroke her back soothingly. "It's not your fault, you hear," Natasha whispered in her ear and she would have said more but the door opened. A young brown haired woman stood at the door with wide eyes and a forming relieved smile on her soft red lips. "Group hug," Wanda Maximoff called out completely out of character and rushed up to the two hugging women to put her arms around them as well. Not really her style, but she had been blaming herself badly, so she was glad to see Abigail sitting in front of her unharmed and, more importantly, alive.

Red-orange walls enveloped the loneliness of the twenty year old a little later, as Natasha and Maximoff disappeared back to training. This decision was met with protest, but in the end it was no match with Romanoff's zeal. She was currently kneeling over some boxes on the heated floor in order to place her personal belongings from the tower here. A smile formed on her lips as she removed several picture frames. One showed Natasha and her at sunset on the balcony, the next Tony and her in Central Park, and another with Danny and her arm in arm watching a movie together.
At the latter, tears instantly welled up in her blue eyes and her breathing became faster, heavier and more erratic. The surroundings around her began to blur and she stumbled toward the adjoining bathroom. Meanwhile, the tears were running down her cheeks like a waterfall, and all the terrible events were playing out before her eyes. Instantly, she realized that she was on the verge of another panic attack. But this realization only caused her to panic even more than she already did. Powerless, she propped herself up against the sink and held her hands under the water. Wanda, who had just been sent upstairs by Natasha during a break to check on the little one, heard her gasp loudly and quickly rushed into her room. The running water told her where the twenty year old was, and so she came to her. By now her air was getting thinner, and desperately Abigail tried to splash water on her face to calm herself down. "What's wrong," she breathed, frightened, desperately trying to calm her down, though she tried to drink water again. "I... I can't... I can't... I can't breathe. Please, get Nat," she stuttered sobs racing through her body, pointing to the still open door to the room. The brown-haired woman rushed to the door and yelled Natasha's name. Friday broadcast her screams all the way to the training room and instantly she ran off to the dorms. Only moments later, she rushed into the bathroom and put an arm around her. "Hey, hey...look at me," Natasha pulled her face toward her and rested her forehead against Abigail's. Since the last panic attack, Nat had learned a few tricks to calm her little one down and take her mind off things. "You're all right," she whispered in a soft voice. Abigail's breathing was still erratic and heavy, while her heart was literally racing. "It's okay...I've got it too," Wanda admitted while silently following the events until now. She would love to have someone like Nat was to Abigail. Of course she had her brother Pietro, but a mother, whether of blood or of heart, was something else again.

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