Season 3 Episode 29

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Both women fell to their knees, exhausted, and immediately the men stormed the room and surrounded the slumped girl. Defenseless, they handcuffed her and dragged her out of the room. Any attempt to put her out of action with her strength was unsuccessful and inwardly she was already preparing for a new kidnapping. Why did this always happen to her? An incisive turn snapped her out of her thoughts. As far as she knew, this was not the way to the exit, but her statement could not be relied upon. In fact, two minutes later they reached the lab, where more of the men were screwing in a strange device. Abruptly they fixed Abigail on one of the two attached chairs. "The witch was unsuccessful, now it's our turn," announced a man in his mid-forties wearing a green suit emblazoned with an emblem of a space octopus.

Suddenly, a bang sounded and shots flew through the hallway. A specially convened emergency meeting, allowed for the containment of all possible threats. However, even the dumbest head of Hydra knew that locking two Avengers, an Inhuman and several of the most talented S.H.I.E.L.D agents in one room would not last. These same agents were now fighting their way through the soldiers placed outside to stop whatever was going on. "Hurry up men let's get this over with." The most edgy of the bunch, sat down on the second chair, which was connected with funny looking devices to the chair on which Abigail was sitting tied. A man in a white coat pushed some buttons and started the machine, which immediately caused terrible pain in her.

Blood was drawn from her and transferred into the leader. Screaming in agony, she pulled at her bonds but they did not budge, any attempt to use her powers failed. Several milliliters had already been transferred when suddenly the earth around her began to shake. Daisy Johnson rushed into the room and hurled two soldiers against the nearest wall, closely followed by Romanoff, who brought down three more with ease. "Untie her. If she loses any more blood then-," Daisy interrupted herself. She didn't have to say it to make Natasha realize the gravity of the situation. Sternly, the two women made a beeline for the straps of both bound men as a shield flew over their heads, taking out another soldier.

Shaking and straining, all that did them no good. Their shaky hands didn't make it any better with the time pressure to do so. Natasha knelt in front of her girl and tried not to lose her composure, while Daisy was boiling with rage inside. She experienced it herself once and she had never wanted something like this to happen to her young friend. A little faster than her eyes could register, something rushed into the room and destroyed the machine. Pietro knew that Abigail would die if he did not react now. So he put all his eggs in one basket to prevent another death. Lifeless, both previously tethered ones sank to the floor, only their shallow breathing distinguishing them from those already gone. "Abigail," echoed through the room as Natasha pulled her little one close and felt for her pulse. "She's alive," she announced with relief, and Daisy did the same. "So is this one, unfortunately."

Seconds later, Phil, Melinda and Fitzsimmons also arrived and locked the door. "What happened?" the director inquired, looking at the youngest in the bunch, who lay unconscious in Natasha Romanoff's arms. "Those would-be Hydra remnants tried to get their hands on her powers, too. I don't know if they were successful," Daisy explained, her gaze darkening at yet another enemy with such powerful forces.

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