Season 3 Episode 1

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Cold air beat around her nose, making her now longer, red curls blow in the breeze, while raindrops bounced off her umbrella. No one was around at this late hour and, moreover, with this weather. Scotland was a beautiful country, but only if you disregarded the reason she was there in the first place. Her target was standing a few feet away from her kissing a blond man she didn't know at the window. But this innocent image would not deter her from completing her mission as quickly as possible. The rain pelting down in front had already stopped by the time the two figures left their apartment for a walk.

Their conversation was interrupted by a television in the window of a store. A news broadcast, showed images from New York and alien attacks. She used her distraction to prepare for her attack. But someone beat her to it by ramming a sword through the man's stomach. Now it was also revealed to her who this man was. It was none other than Ultron, or rather Vision. Wanda was now also attacked and Abigail used the commotion to intervene herself.

She fought against the alien-like figures, but also against the now red-haired Maximoff. Wanda could not identify her, because a black mask covered her face, but she became suspicious of the fire beams, which barely missed her. Did anyone else have her powers, or was this really Natasha's missing daughter? Inwardly, however, she immediately dismissed the thought, why then would Novanoff attack her. A wild battle ensued as Wanda tried to protect Vision and his stone from all parties.

Abigail, however, cared very little about the stone. All she wanted was the death of her then first best friend. If it weren't for those pesky visitors, this would have happened a long time ago, and blood would be all that would come out of Wanda Maximoff. Instead, she fired her powers uncontrollably at Abigail. But her powers, stronger by far than they were a year ago, Wanda was nowhere near able to keep up. At least not in her emotional state. The fight was moved to a station not long later and Wanda stood over the injured Vision ready to fight the four opponents.

Before a second round could develop, however, Steve Rogers appeared from behind a passing train. Another victim, Abigail thought with a grin. At the same moment, wings shot from the sky and the Falcon hanging from them, catapulted one of the opponents into a glass window of a store. Cap was his previously caught lock past her, which landed smoothly in Romanoff's hands and she used it to attack another. At first she would not have recognized her, the red curls had now given way to short blond straight hair.

However, her appearance did not cause Abigail joy as it had a few years ago, but the urge to fight. But she wasn't her mission, after all, Wanda was. No one really seemed to be paying attention to her, so she turned her attention to her when Rogers saved her from an attack. With hands flaring, she strode to the second redhead and took up a fighting stance. "Who are you?" this one asked, forming her powers in the same color group as hers. "You know who I am," was all she replied, forcibly throwing Wanda off her game. Of course she recognized her voice, and Natasha and the others, who were already done fighting, turned their heads.

Novanoff summoned a fireball and fired it in the direction of the young woman. Before it could leave her hand in a controlled manner, however, she was knocked off her feet by the blond in the bunch and the fire slammed into the wall behind her. In a flash, the mask was grinned off her face, and an instant stare of shock spread among those present as they recognized the familiar blue eyes beneath. "Abigail," Natasha breathed in shock and automatically loosened her grip, which was a big mistake. The now twenty-one year old threw Nat off of her and ran at Wanda.

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