Season 1 Episode 13

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That night, Abigail slept in her new room painted in shades of red, while Nat quietly opened the door and watched her. "It's late, Romanoff, you should get some sleep," said Steve, who watched them from the hallway, smiling. "I just wanted to make sure the kid was well settled," she defended herself, turning to look at him. His blue eyes flashed knowingly as he said, "I knew you cared," pointing to the sleeping redhead and grinning. "This kid doesn't know what it feels like to have someone to take care of her," she explained with slightly watery eyes. They had probably been right about one thing in the Red Room, someone to take care of. Especially a child could make you weak but it could also just as easily bring out a whole new, beautiful side and make someone so much stronger. And that's exactly what had happened to her. She was now fighting not just to survive but for her team, her family - the Avengers & Abigail. "Then she's lucky to have you." Nat gave him an inscrutable look which made Steve smile some more. "Even if you eat her Oreos," he joked, finally making Nat laugh too, until she got serious again at the thought of what tomorrow would bring, though. "Now I have to get her to go to school."

"Yeah, good luck with that," he grinned, aware of the problem, and gave her an encouraging hug. Something had to have happened to Abigail that kept her from liking going to school. Only the question was what it was.

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